Certified EROS Oracle 5 senses Healing cards deck
- 4.6
Brief Introduction
Greek Gods healing method with CardsDescription
Welcome to this course!
I am Calliope Oracle investigator, Astral Channeler and Radiesthesia Dowser Healer, almost 20 years.
In this course, you will learn the basic steps of an ancient Greek Oracle healing technique of the 5senses. You will be extremely qualified to decode 5 senses operational system of hearing, smelling, vision, touch & taste the way they react each on a matter and transform them in harmony for you or your customers. This is a very new method of Divination & Healing based on Greek Shamans priests.
Pythia and Sibilla are well-known titles of Apollos' priestesses, who gave great and accurate Oracles with an unknown technique. The esoteric ancient Greek Philosophy had the paths and the ways How to connect humans with their Divine Soul, Purity, Wisdom, and Grace.
Our goal and life purpose are to uncover/decode and bring into the surface, this secret knowledge, and ancient oracle techniques. Divination (Mantiki called in Greek) is one of the Apollonian forces. The purpose of Mantiki is to bring in our conscious/mind accurate and valuable pieces of information, so we can make wise choices in this life and reduce our Karma so we can conquer the Divine Grace vibration. This course is the start of a Divine esoteric journey with great gold, silver and platinum stations. As we travel Many of you, will feel that you are aware of this ... and this is true, cause every awaken soul had at least one lifetime in Ancient Greece so he/she could study the source/birth of Virtues (Aretes in Greek).
Every ancient civilization has its priests and their Sun God and they reveal the same themes and purpose, it's like a chain of same mysteries, secret knowledge and high vibrations connected in one Great Source of Akasha (Ether - Etheras in Greek). Having this in mind, no matter what you believe, let polarity aside and dive into your gold ratio field of knowledge in order to connect the lost pieces of the chain though our Oracle courses.
Healing 5 senses technique, given in this card method, is a unique step & healing tool!
Oracle was and is the first step for a healing process!
This course is the first Oracle station on our Oracle trip. Eros and Psyche is our symbolic pathway to see and feel Love as humans and as Divine Cosmic entities of this Galaxy, the same time. But how can we decode these symbols and their myth? Eros and Psyche will lead us to see our self in this life and through the technique we are about to learn, to measure and receive guidance for our Soulmates, our Twin flame and of course for ourselves mirror, till the next level of awakening.
Love is the child of Eros & Psyche! We all need this child. We all seek this child even when we have it. Love is all around us and in us. But how we miss it? Is it our Karma? Is it our mind? Is our distance from our Divine I Am? Is all the above? This course analyzes and establishes the healing principals of Divination, so we can find the missing child of Love. Qualifies you to be an expert Eros healer starting with the senses system which is the path of sensing Love!
This course is divided into 4 major sections,
the Oracle theory, ancient scripts (symbols and decode) and Oracle principles,
Analysis of Eros cards set / Archetypes decode
Practice with Oracle Eros cards - a technique
The healing 5senses method
Additionally, we will travel in the electromagnetic field of Cuma Italy Apollo's temple, Sibylla Oracle centrum, and Sibilla's Oracle Cave, so we can connect... Let's not forget that we are humans and we embody a part of our flying soul, that ancient sacred places all over Earth have open Gates for us to enter ...
See you at our first station... Eros healing cards deck Station
May Universal Love be in You
Calliope Xrisi Grigorioy
- Requirements
- Anyone who is prepared to work deeper with its senses system and transform it.