Brief Introduction
Predict future market direction via key Fibonacci building blocks- Retracements, Extensions and ProjectionsDescription
Most indicators are lagging indicators and work on past price action. In this course you will learn an important tool in trading called “Fibonacci”
The Fibonacci retracement is used to forecast levels which the price is very likely to correct itself during a trend and hence usually used as entry levels. If you are missing this important tool in your trading then welcome to this Fibonacci trading Masterclass where you will learn this important tool from beginner to experienced level in a step by step manner.
This course is perfect for -
Traders who want to add Fibonacci in their trading tools set.
Those who want to stop guessing and risking their hard earned capital on sub standard trade setups and strategies.
Traders who want to anticipate quality trade setups
Traders who want to find market turning points that others don’t see.
Those Who wants to follow simple set rules and directions.
Course Structure-
Fibonacci Introduction
Who was Fibonacci?
Fibonacci sequence and Golden Ratio
[OPTIONAL Lecture] Fibonacci Ratios in Nature
How Fibonacci Ratios are derived?
Swing Highs and Lows
Fibonacci Retracements Intro
How to run Fibonacci retracement levels?
Should price touch the Fibonacci Retracement levels?
Simplest form of Fibonacci trading
Is Fibonacci the holy grail of trading
Fibonacci Extensions
How Fibonacci extensions are calculated?
Fibonacci – Reverse Extensions
Fibonacci Projections
Logic behind Fibonacci Projections Levels
How to run Fibonacci Projections
Projection Example 1- Lupin Stock
Projections Example 2- USD/CAD
Projection Example 3- EUR/USD
Projection Limitations
Fibonacci Trader Types
What is Fibonacci Convergence?
How Fibonacci Convergence works?
Fibonacci Convergence Tips
How to run Correct Multiple Fibonacci Retracements ( Fibonacci Clusters)
Step By step Fibonacci Convergence example-EUR/USD
Step By step Fibonacci Convergence example-SPY-ETF
Fibonacci Convergence Trading setup
Fibonacci- RSI Trading Setup
- Requirements
- Basic knowledge of Candlesticks