Brief Introduction
Becoming a successful trader isn't as out of reach as you might think.Description
Becoming a successful trader doesn't have to be unattainable. It doesn't have to cost you your life's savings, and there is no such thing as a "Get Rich Quick" scheme. These are the three founding principles of KickStart Trading. They help to shape who we are and define what we do - find and cultivate the highest quality, consistently profitable traders.
We've created this course specifically with those of you who might be thinking about getting educated in Forex trading, but you're just not sure if it's right for you, in mind.
You will learn what is required of you to become a successful trader, what the Forex market is (and what all the hype is about!), different types of brokers and what their functions are, platforms, common terminology, price action, Japanese Candlesticks, Risk management, Trade Planning, Trader Psychology and Conclusion and Next Steps.
For more information on how to further educate yourself in the markets and how to trade them, and to learn how we can help, search for KickStart Trading on google and visit us today!
- Requirements
- A desire to discover if Forex trading is for you
- A desire to acquire a taste of the intricacies of technical analysis
- A desire to plot your own course and empower your future