Brief Introduction
Learn examination techniques that more accurately identify pathologies and help lead to correct diagnoses. Get insights into the fundamentals of history taking: the art of asking patients the right questions.Description
The signs and symptoms experienced by patients often present a puzzle for examiners. This course enables you to perform key examination techniques and properly assess all relevant organ symptoms, increasing the likelihood of a correct diagnosis. In addition to students and professionals in the medical and healthcare fields, everyone is welcome to participate.History Taking is an important part of the examination process. This course teaches the skills needed to select the appropriate questions. Moreover, the course will discuss how to build a trustworthy patient/physician interaction.
The course is led by Stephan L. Haas, Senior Consultant in Gastroenterology and Assistant Professor at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. He has more than 15 years experience in teaching physical examination and History Taking.
- Key examination techniques to assess head and neck, heart, lung & thorax, the peripheral lymphatic and vascular system; including the nervous and musculoskeletal system
- How to choose appropriate examination techniques based on the patient´s chief complaints
- Familiarity with a range of diseases related to each organ
- Ways to interpret pathological findings and to integrate these results into the process of the differential diagnostic reasoning
- Methods for taking a thorough and systematic patient history
- How to overcome barriers of History Taking (e.g. barriers based on language, education or culture)