Logging in Kubernetes with EFK Stack | The Complete Guide
- 4.7
Brief Introduction
Learn how to set up K8s cluster from scratch and configure logging with ElasticSearch, Fluentd and KibanaDescription
You will learn how to:
set up a Kubernetes cluster from scratch
configure fully functioning logging in Kubernetes cluster with EFK Stack
With following steps:
configure Java and NodeJS applications to produce logs, package them into Docker images and push into a Docker private repository.
create Kubernetes cluster on a cloud platform (Linode Kubernetes Engine)
deploy these application Docker images in the cluster
deploy ElasticSearch, Kibana and Fluentd in the cluster
configure Fluentd to start collecting and processing the logs and sending them to ElasticSearch
configure Kibana to visualise the log data stored in ElasticSearch
- Requirements
- Know basics of Kubernetes
- Know basics of Docker