Brief Introduction
Electricity is everywhere. Learn about real world applications of electric circuits and the techniques for analyzing and designing circuits. 电无处不在。人类文明的进程,几乎就是研究和利用电的过程。电路是用电为人类服务的直接工具。电路原理这门课程教会你分析和设计电路的基本方法。
Principles of Electric Circuits (20220214x) is one of the kernel courses in the broad EECS subjects. Almost all the required courses in EECS are based on the concepts learned in this course, so it’s the gateway to a qualified EECS engineer.
The main content of this course contains linear and nonlinear resistive circuits, time domain analysis of the dynamic circuits, and the steady state analysis of the dynamic circuits with sinusoidal excitations. Important concepts, e.g. filters, resonance, quiescent point, etc., cutting-edge elements, e.g. MOSFETs and Op Amps, etc., systematic analyzing tools, e.g. node method and phasor method, etc., and real-world engineering applications, e.g. square wave generator and pulse power supply for railgun, etc., will be discussed in depth.
In order to facilitate the learning for students with middle school level, we prepare the necessary knowledge for calculus and linear algebra in week 0. With your effort, we can show you the fantastic view of electricity.
电路原理课程是电类各专业最重要的一门学科基础课,后续各专业基础课和专业课都建立在这门课程的知识体系之上,因此是电类专业本科生的“看家 课”之一。电路原理课程的主要内容包括:线性电阻电路分析、非线性电阻电路分析、动态电路的时域分析和正弦激励下动态电路的稳态分析4大部分。清华大学电 路原理课程的教学包括电路分析基本方法、当代电路元器件、电路原理的实际工程应用等,为学生提供了扎实的基础和丰富的应用。
- Math basics for studying circuits
- Techniques for analyzing circuits with any scale and containing any element
- Real world applications of circuits
- Concepts related to EECS courses, e.g. signals and systems, electronics, etc.
- Perspectives needed for qualified engineers, e.g. engineering, equivalence, and abstraction