Brief Introduction
Everything needed to craft the vision and launch your own home church in 30 days or less.Description
Course Overview:
This course is designed to equip you for conducting your own home ministry or ministry within your community. All the churches of old were hosted in the homes of people within the community they lived. You will be presented with the model they used and various teachings to help guide you from starting up to conducting your own meetings.
Course Objectives:
#1: Be able to clearly craft a vision for your home church
#2: Help you identify your Spiritual Identity (How God will use you/your home)
#3: Be equipped for the works of your ministry
In this course you will learn:
- You & your group's Spiritual Identity
- Developing Spiritual Sonship & Community
- Craft and develop God's vision for your Home
- How to biblically conduct meetings
- Practical ways to activate your Faith
- Overcoming obstacles
- Unlocking Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Reforming your Community
- Testimonies of how God has moved
What theology is this course based on?
We consider the teaching of this course led and inspired by the Holy Spirit as He empowers each of His people. We believe all scripture is inspired and written by God's Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16) and is our guidepost and instruction for Holy living. We consider ourselves born-again Christians (John 3:3) who have inherited God's eternal salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ by God's grace through our faith (Ephesians 2:8) and our inward and outward confession of said faith (Romans 10:9). This course is designed for those who share similar beliefs or are open to learning about them.
What denomination is this teaching for?
This course is completely non-denominational. It can be applied to any Christian or denomination who desires to start a home church.
Does starting a home church mean I stop going to my regular Church?
Not necessarily, typically only if God has called you to host it during your normal church service. In most cases, we believe you will have a small meeting in addition to the regular church you attend.
Do I have to be a Christian already to take this course?
Not at all! While being a believer already is helpful, this course will also share the message of Jesus Christ to you and allow you to become the new leadership God will use in your community.