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Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry
by Ronald Fry- 4.8
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and constructive inquiry process that searches for everything that gives life to organizations, communities, and larger human systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and healthy in their interconnected ecology of relationships. And not incidentally, to appreciate is to increase in value too. What is Appreciative Inquiry & Why do I care?...
Capstone: Creating A Sustainability Proposal
by John Byrd , Kenneth Bettenhausen- 4.9
Approx. 3 hours to complete
Congratulations on reaching the Capstone Class of the Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent specialization. The class will help you apply material from the previous three classes. We have developed a case about a hypothetical ski resort that offers lots of opportunities to develop sustainability recommendations. Or you can do both the case and your own proposal....
Sales Force Management
by Michael F. Walsh, Ph.D. , Suzanne C. Bal , Emily C. Tanner, Ph.D.- 4.6
Approx. 19 hours to complete
The second course in the Sales Operations/Management Specialization, Sales Force Management covers various aspects of hiring and personnel administration. Students will learn about job design and recruitment processes, tools of recruitment, the role of training in sales force development, and motivating salespeople to perform the tasks critical to an organization's success....
Innovation and emerging technology: Be disruptive
by Dr Mauricio Marrone- 4.8
Approx. 17 hours to complete
‘Disruption’ has become a buzz word in the business world. But what is a disruptive change-maker? In this course you will learn how to deploy disruptive strategic thinking to develop or protect your organisation’s competitive advantage. The most innovative and successful companies have all fundamentally disrupted and reshaped existing industries, or created completely new ones....
Innovating with the Business Model Canvas
by Alex Cowan- 4.6
Approx. 4 hours to complete
Have you ever gotten really excited about reading or writing a business plan? You might have started out excited, but I’m going to bet you didn’t stay that way. Let’s be honest- business plans are boring and mostly ignored. The beauty of the one-page Business Model Canvas is that it drives meaningful focus....
Sales Training: Sales Team Management
by Kyle Jepson- 4.7
Approx. 10 hours to complete
In this course, you will learn how to define your target market, create a scalable sales process, and build training, coaching, hiring, and onboarding programs to help your sales team grow better. Sales Team Management Welcome to this course The Importance of Jobes to Be Done Rethinking Your Competition Uncovering Your Customers' Jobs...
Compensation, Expenses and Quotas
by Emily C. Tanner, Ph.D. , Suzanne C. Bal , Michael F. Walsh, Ph.D.- 4.5
Approx. 10 hours to complete
This course is the third part of the Sales Operations/Management Specialization. In it, we will discuss some of the financial aspects involved in managing a sales force. Compensation Overview Introduction - Week 1 Goals of a Sales Compensation Plan Interview: Sydney Eddy from Lavish Botique Manager versus Sales Professionals Perspectives Steps in Developing a Compensation Plan...
Esports Management Capstone Project
by Stephane Muller- 4.4
Approx. 3 hours to complete
We will analyze the pros and cons of creating a single or multiple Esport organization and recommend an effective branding strategy for a hypothetical Esport organization based on current Esport branding considerations. Getting Started Honor Code & Plagiarism Peer Review Grading Logistic FAQs Project Description Content Review Final Project Assignment Submission...
The Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Boards and the Governance Process
by Prof. Yvonne Cafik Harrison, PhD , Prof. Vic Murray, PhD- 0.0
Approx. 13 hours to complete
The third course in this Specialization introduces you to the factors that influence how effective boards of directors will be in carrying out their roles and responsibilities and hence the impact they have in shaping the success of the organization they govern. gl/aAMIfl. Course 3 Overview: Week 1: This week's questions: What factors influence the effectiveness of board meetings?...
Transforming Communities
by Joel Hartter- 4.5
Approx. 9 hours to complete
This course focuses on communities and organizations in transition, and using the skills and new knowledge you have to lead change. In this course, we will discuss fundamentals of sustainability and resilience. We then go over the essentials of being a change maker. This course will provide further opportunity for skill building....