Course Summary
Learn how to optimize the performance of your iOS apps by implementing multithreading. This course covers the fundamentals of concurrency, including threads, queues, and locks, and teaches you how to apply them to your iOS applications.Key Learning Points
- Understand the basics of concurrency in iOS development
- Learn how to use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to implement multithreading
- Discover how to optimize app performance with multithreading
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the basics of concurrency and multithreading in iOS development
- Learn how to use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to implement multithreading in your apps
- Optimize app performance with multithreading techniques
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of iOS development with Swift
- Access to a Mac computer running Xcode
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced
- Video lectures
- Hands-on exercises
Similar Courses
- iOS App Development Basics
- iOS App Development with Swift
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Notable People in This Field
- Paul Hudson
- Ray Wenderlich
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Данный курс посвящен изучению многопоточности. В начале курса вы узнаете, что такое многопоточность, плюсы и минусы ее использования, а также разберетесь как решать возникающие проблемы такие как Deadlock, Livelock и другие.
- Многопоточность
- Знакомство с блоком
- Что такое многопоточность
- Race Condition
- Deadlock vs Livelock
- Thread Explosion
- Priority Inversion
- Полная программа "iOS-разработчик"
- e-Legion
- Фонд развития онлайн-образования
- Ссылки
- Конспект по неделе 1
- Потоки
- POSIX Threads
- NSThreads
- Синхронизация потоков
- Работа в фоновом режиме
- RunLoop
- Autorelease pool
- Timer
- Ссылки
- Конспект по неделе 2
- Коды из лекций
- Управление потоками
- RunLoop
- Основы GCD
- Очереди в GCD
- Группы
- Барьеры и семафоры
- Реализация фильтров + GCD
- Ссылки
- Конспект по неделе 3
- Коды из лекций
- Operations
- Основы OperationsQueue
- Operations
- Создание сабкласса Operation
- Асинхронные операции
- Реализация фильтров + OperationQueue
- Ссылки
- Конспект по неделе 4
- Коды из лекций
- Проблемы и решения
- Design Tips
- Обнаружение ошибок многопоточности
- Core animation tools
- Time Profiler
- Memory leak
- Ссылки
- Конспект по неделе 5
- Коды из лекций
- Курсовое задание
- Подводим итоги
- Продолжение специализации
Summary of User Reviews
Learn about iOS Multithreading on Coursera. This course has received positive reviews for its comprehensive content and clear explanations. Many users praise the practicality of the course and how it helps them improve their iOS development skills.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Practicality of the coursePros from User Reviews
- Comprehensive content
- Clear explanations
- Helpful for improving iOS development skills
- Engaging video lectures
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users find the course challenging
- Requires prior knowledge of iOS development
- Some assignments are time-consuming
- Limited interaction with instructors
- No certificate of completion for audit learners