Course Summary
Explore the beauty and complexity of Tang poetry, one of the greatest literary treasures of China. In this course, you will learn about the cultural and historical context behind Tang poems and discover how to appreciate and analyze them.Key Learning Points
- Learn about the cultural and historical context behind Tang poetry
- Discover how to appreciate and analyze Tang poems
- Explore the beauty and complexity of one of China's greatest literary treasures
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the cultural and historical context behind Tang poetry
- Appreciate and analyze Tang poems
- Develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese literature
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Fluency in English
- Interest in Chinese literature and culture
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Video lectures
Similar Courses
- Chinese Poetry
- Introduction to Chinese History
- Chinese for Beginners
Related Education Paths
Notable People in This Field
- Wang Wei
- Li Bai
- Du Fu
Related Books
- 課程資訊
- 課程簡介
- NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制
- 製作團隊
- 第一講:陳子昂——「陽違陰奉」的復古派
- 0-1-1 總論:唐詩的特色與價值
- 0-1-2 總論:尊重與了解
- 1-1 背景介紹與基本釋義
- 1-2 陳子昂的復古理論
- 1-3-1 李白版的中國詩歌史
- 1-3-2 孔子的絕望
- 1-3-3 復古價值觀的確立
- 1-4 〈登幽州臺歌〉的六朝元素
- 1-5 反對的對反——陳子昂對六朝的吸收
- 1-6 杜甫、韓愈的勸告:正確的判斷與寬廣的胸襟
- 第一講 選擇題測驗
- 第二講:王維——「寒梅著花未」的提問心理
- 2-1 王維〈雜詩〉基本解釋
- 2-2 王績——先行者的作法
- 2-3-1 〈雜詩〉的獨特與歷來詮解的歧異
- 2-3-2 第一瞬間的反應:自我防衛的心理機制
- 2-3-3 「不敢問」的情怯
- 2-4-1 超乎言語所能表達的人生歷練之苦
- 2-4-2 單子沒有窗戶:人的有限性及絕對的孤獨
- 2-4-3 訴說的痛苦:三種因訴說而受傷的模式
- 2-4-4 天氣:不會受傷的社交話題
- 2-5 總結
- 第二講 選擇題測驗
- 第三講:李白——〈清平調三首〉的奇蹟
- 3-1 「布衣入宮」——天時、地利、人和的奇蹟
- 3-2-1 「帝王/浪漫情人」的奇蹟
- 3-2-2 「帝妃之愛」的奇蹟
- 3-3 由天上到人間、從神話到真實
- 3-4-1 國色天香的牡丹
- 3-4-2 母儀天下的女神
- 3-4-3 歷史上的名美人
- 3-5-1 不可能是諷刺
- 3-5-2 歌頌永恆的帝妃之愛
- 3-6 李白:超越自我的偉大詩人
- 第三講 選擇題測驗
- 第四講:杜甫——〈月夜〉的妻子形象
- 4-1 背景介紹與基本釋義
- 4-2 歷史上、文學中的妻子
- 4-3-1 杜甫的婚姻與同甘共苦的恩情
- 4-3-2 倫理原則:地母的造型
- 4-4-1 宮體豔情的文學傳統
- 4-4-2 非倫理的男性凝視:神女書寫
- 4-4-3 婚戀中的女性:地母/神女的統一
- 4-5 「夫妻風懷詩」的巔峰與集大成
- 4-6 詩聖:集大成與新開創
- 第四講 選擇題測驗
- 第五講:白居易——「琵琶女」的新造型
- 5-1 背景介紹與基本釋義
- 5-2-1 人性多樣化的新認識
- 5-2-2 小說化的歌行體
- 5-2-3 紀實與小說:必然的邂逅
- 5-3-1 「幽咽泉流水下灘」的先行者
- 5-3-2 「幽咽泉流水下灘」的合理修訂
- 5-4-1 琵琶女的成長與天賦
- 5-4-2 同類中的異數
- 5-4-3 琵琶女的性格特質
- 5-5-1 白居易的缺憾
- 5-5-2 「同是天涯淪落人」的等同意義
- 5-5-3 「投射心理」的發動
- 5-5-4 「詩」與「序」的分裂
- 5-6 「諷喻詩」:曇花一現的風骨
- 第五講 選擇題測驗
- 第六講:李商隱——〈錦瑟〉的悲劇性格
- 6-1 無題的淒苦:獨恨無人作鄭箋
- 6-2-1 「錦瑟」的意象特點:美麗與哀愁的結晶
- 6-2-2 〈錦瑟〉詩的意象特點:回顧一生的過眼雲煙
- 6-3 習慣於絕望
- 6-4 自我的墓誌銘
- 第六講 選擇題測驗
Summary of User Reviews
Discover the beauty and depth of Tang Poems with this comprehensive course on Coursera. Students rave about the engaging and knowledgeable instructor, detailed insights into the poems, and the ability to understand and appreciate Chinese poetry. One key aspect that many users thought was good is the course's ability to make Tang poetry accessible to non-Chinese speakers.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging and knowledgeable instructor
- Detailed insights into the poems
- Ability to understand and appreciate Chinese poetry
- Excellent course structure
- Well-paced and easy to follow
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course difficult for non-native English speakers
- Not enough focus on the historical context of the poems
- Some users found the course too basic
- Lack of interaction with other students
- No opportunity for feedback on written assignments