Course Summary
Learn about the art of film directing with Daoyan Siwei Weiyingren on Coursera. Discover the techniques and strategies used by successful filmmakers to create compelling stories and bring them to life on the big screen.Key Learning Points
- Understand the role of the film director and the creative process involved in filmmaking
- Learn how to develop a story, cast actors, and collaborate with a production team
- Gain insights from experienced filmmakers and apply their techniques to your own projects
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a thorough understanding of the role of the film director in the creative process of filmmaking
- Learn essential techniques for developing a story, casting actors, and collaborating with a production team
- Gain insights from experienced filmmakers and apply their techniques to your own filmmaking projects
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of filmmaking concepts and terminology
- Access to a camera and editing software
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced course
- Video lectures
- Hands-on projects and exercises
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Filmmaking
- Film Production: Behind the Scenes of Feature Filmmaking
- Directing the Actor
Related Education Paths
Related Books
- 本课程献给那些渴望掌握电影语言、用微电影表达思想的迷影青年。
- 本专项课程以电影语言为主要研究对象,将电影叙事的基本方法与观念思维汇编,结合案例分析与微电影拍摄现场创作实例、众多微影人的经验分享,以项目制的形式鼓励学习者参与微电影创作台前幕后的全过程。提倡在对电影语言理解的基础上突破现有规则、探索新的叙事方式,在这个急功近利的时代拍出属于自己的故事。在最后的毕业项目中,你将获得腾讯、拍电影网、上海视全十美文化传播有限公司等公司的支持与赞助,合作进行创作实践,你的微电影可能会被选中,直接在腾讯体育进行播放、或者你的剧本和PPM(Pre-Production Meeting,拍摄前会议)策划案可能会被拍电影网和上海视全十美文化传播有限公司选中,他们将提供微电影设备器材与摄影棚的支持、线下培训与拍摄指导、创业指导与孵化,相信可以经过本课程,你将在实战中创作出具有专业水准的微电影作品。拍微电影没有捷径,但是有弯路,我们真诚希望,帮助你少走弯路。
- SHOW ALL context
- 课程介绍
- 专项课程《微电影创作全教程》宣传片
- 课程介绍
- 开课致辞
- 推荐影片
- 推荐书籍
- 认识微电影
- 电影与微电影
- 微影人
- 微电影初体验学生作品秀
- 微电影初体验
- 微影人的自我修养概念
- 微电影创作现场
- 前期准备
- 剧本
- 分镜头脚本
- 拉片
- Pre Production Meeting
- 选角
- 排练
- 计划与意外
- 一切取决于叙事需要
- 剪辑的真相
- 从叙事到抒情
- 少即是多
- 一切坚固的都烟消云散了
- 调音师剧本等文字资料
- 勤修微影人观念
- 美丽人生
- 天堂电影院
- 告白冲动
- 低吟浅唱、自我表达的小情致
- 悲天悯人、心怀天下的大胸怀
- 形式与内容
- 深沉、小哲理篇
- 恶搞、高端黑篇
- 奇幻、超现实篇
- 文艺、小清新篇
- 勤养微电影思维
- “所想即所见”的形象思维
- “一花一世界”的微思维
- “全流程、全职能”的整体思维
- 原创体验
- 雕刻时光
- 单刀直入
- 出其不意
- 余味缭绕
- 态度
- 小人物
- 感觉
- 表演
- 充分节制与精确
- 诱惑与误导
- 后记:微影人宣言
- 微影人宣言
- 结课致辞
Summary of User Reviews
This course on daoyan siwei weiyingren has received positive reviews from students. The course covers a variety of topics related to daoyan siwei weiyingren and is taught by knowledgeable instructors. One key aspect that many users thought was good is the interactive nature of the course, which allows students to ask questions and receive feedback in real-time.Pros from User Reviews
- The course covers a variety of topics related to daoyan siwei weiyingren
- The instructors are knowledgeable and provide helpful feedback
- The interactive nature of the course allows for real-time feedback
- The course is well-structured and easy to follow
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course to be too basic and not challenging enough
- The course can be time-consuming and requires a significant amount of work
- Some users found the instructors to be unresponsive at times