Course Summary
Learn computer-aided design (CAD) and how to create technical drawings using popular software like AutoCAD and SolidWorks.Key Learning Points
- Gain skills in using CAD software to create technical drawings
- Understand the principles of CAD and how to apply them
- Learn industry-standard techniques used in mechanical and civil engineering
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to create technical drawings using popular CAD software
- Understanding of CAD principles and industry-standard techniques
- Preparation for careers in CAD design, product design, and mechanical engineering
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic computer skills
- Familiarity with technical drawing concepts
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Video lectures
- Hands-on projects
Similar Courses
- Introduction to SolidWorks
- Engineering Design and CAD
- AutoCAD for Everyone
Related Education Paths
Notable People in This Field
- CAD Training Online
- SolidProfessor
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在『工程圖學2D CAD專題』,我們以一幢五層的公寓住宅為案例,一步步地講述AutoCAD繪製建築平面圖的技巧,包含梁、柱、樓板、樓梯、窗戶等,並介紹建築平面圖與立面圖的基本符號代表的意義與表達方式。
修完這門課,你會具備2D製圖所有的基礎技巧與應用,你會知道如何「看懂」一張建築平面圖與立面圖! 「工程圖學2D CAD專題」延續前一門課「工程圖學2D CAD」,將所學的平面繪圖技術,應用於建築圖繪製。本課程介紹建築圖相關概念與繪製注意事項,並以完整的例子帶領同學實際完成一份建築圖,希望透過實作專題的訓練,學生更加熟悉平面繪圖技術,並瞭解如何技術應用於工程界的實際案例。 已具備工程圖學2D CAD的繪圖能力,想要大展伸手嗎?想要體會完成建築平面圖的過程嗎? 快加入工程圖學2D CAD專題吧!
- 蓄勢待發
- CAD/BIM專項課程歡迎你!
- 101 認識本課程
- 103 如何通過本課程
- NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制
- 102 課程大綱:我會學些什麼?
- 104 評分方式
- 105 課程FAQ
- 106 製作團隊
- 平面圖
- 201 建築平面圖
- 202 建築平面圖常見符號
- 203 尺寸標註與材料符號
- 204 平面圖繪製順序
- 205 結構平面圖
- 206 AutoCAD 平面圖繪製預備
- 課程簡報
- 平面圖柱牆繪製
- 301 平面圖:開始畫圖了!柱與牆
- 302 AutoCAD 繪製柱心線
- 303 AutoCAD 繪製柱
- 304 AutoCAD 繪製牆心線
- 305 AutoCAD 繪製牆
- 306 AutoCAD 牆心線與柱心線尺寸標註
- 平面圖樓梯、電梯與陽台繪製
- 401 平面圖:畫樓梯、電梯與陽台!
- 402 AutoCAD 繪製樓梯符號
- 403 AutoCAD 繪製電梯符號
- 404 AutoCAD 繪製大門階梯與陽台
- 平面圖門窗繪製
- 501 平面圖:進入門窗繪製!
- 502 AutoCAD 繪製冷氣口 (圖塊建立與插入)
- 503 AutoCAD 繪製DW2落地窗
- 504 AutoCAD 繪製W3窗 (編輯圖塊)
- 505 AutoCAD 繪製W2 窗(圖塊插入旋轉)
- 506 AutoCAD 繪製D4、D3門
- 507 AutoCAD 繪製SD1鐵捲門、D1大門
- 平面圖符號與標示註解
- 601 平面圖:最後一步!其他設備符號與標示註解
- 602 AutoCAD 繪製衛浴設備
- 603 AutoCAD 繪製水溝與陰井
- 604 AutoCAD 磚牆材料符號
- 605 AutoCAD 門窗柱列編號與特殊符號
- 606 AutoCAD 高程符號與指北針
- 607 AutoCAD 引線註解與槽型包圍文字
- 第一次評量
- 測驗一:平面圖概念與實作
- 立面圖
- 801 建築立面圖
- 802 建築立面圖常見符號
- 803 立面圖表現技法
- 804 立面圖繪製順序
- 805 AutoCAD 立面圖繪製預備
- 課程簡報
- 立面圖輪廓繪製
- 901 立面圖:第二階段開始!正向立面圖定位線與建築輪廓
- 902 AutoCAD 繪製柱心線及樓地板定位線
- 903 AutoCAD 繪製建築物輪廓線
- 立面圖門窗繪製
- 1001 立面圖:繪製門與窗
- 1002 AutoCAD 繪製冷氣口與W2窗戶
- 1003 AutoCAD 繪製DW1落地窗
- 1004 AutoCAD 繪製 W1窗戶
- 1005 AutoCAD 繪製D1大門
- 1006 AutoCAD 繪製 SD1鐵捲門
- 立面圖附屬建物繪製與標示註解
- 1101 立面圖:最後一步!附屬建物與標示註解
- 1102 AutoCAD 磚牆材料符號
- 1103 AutoCAD 繪製屋頂、逃生門雨遮
- 1104 AutoCAD 繪製鐵爬梯
- 1105 AutoCAD 立面圖標示註解
- 第二次評量
- 測驗二:立面圖概念與實作
- 下回見!
- 回顧 Part 1
- 回顧 Part 2
- 回顧 Part 3
- 回顧 Part 4
- 下一個旅程
Summary of User Reviews
Discover the world of computer-aided design (CAD) and enhance your skills with this comprehensive course on Coursera. Users have praised the course for its in-depth coverage of CAD fundamentals, practical exercises, and engaging teaching style. The overall rating for this course is excellent.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course provides a hands-on approach to learning CAD fundamentals with practical exercises that help users apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.Pros from User Reviews
- Comprehensive coverage of CAD fundamentals
- Practical exercises that reinforce learning
- Engaging and knowledgeable instructors
- Flexible schedule and self-paced learning
- Access to a diverse community of learners
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course content to be too basic
- Limited support for advanced or specialized CAD topics
- Course materials are not always up-to-date
- Some users experienced technical difficulties with the platform
- Not suitable for those who prefer in-person instruction or hands-on training