東亞儒學:孟子二 (East Asian Confucianisms: Mencius(2))
- 0.0
Approx. 13 hours to complete
Course Summary
This course explores the philosophy of Mencius, one of the most important Confucian philosophers. Through lectures and readings, students will gain a deeper understanding of Mencius' teachings on human nature, ethics, and political philosophy.Key Learning Points
- Learn about Mencius' philosophy and its relevance in today's world
- Explore the concept of human nature and its implications for ethical behavior
- Examine Mencius' views on social and political order
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a deeper understanding of Mencius' philosophy
- Apply Mencius' teachings to contemporary issues
- Critically analyze Mencius' ideas
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of philosophy
- Interest in Confucian philosophy
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Confucian Philosophy
- The Analects of Confucius
Related Education Paths
Notable People in This Field
- Roger Ames
- Henry Rosemont Jr.
Related Books
- 第一講:與孟子對話(一):戰國至唐代
- 課程宣傳片 (promotion video)
- 1-1引言
- 1-2 荀子對孟子的批判
- 1-3 孟子後學對孟子思想的繁衍與拓展
- 1-4 漢唐時代的孟子學:政治脈絡中的解讀
- 1-5 結論 中國文化中政治權力與經典解釋的互動
- NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制
- 第二講:與孟子對話(二):宋代
- 2-1 引言
- 2-2 宋代孟子學興起的歷史背景
- 2-3 宋代知識分子關於孟子的爭議
- 2-4 朱子對孟子思想的解釋
- 2-5 結論
- 第三講:與孟子對話(三):朱熹
- 3-1 引言
- 3-2 孟子 <知言養氣章> 的思想內容
- 3-3 朱子對「知言養氣」章的詮釋
- 3-4 朱子「知言養氣」章在東亞引起的回響
- 3-5 結論
- 第四講:與孟子對話(四):王陽明
- 4-1 引言
- 4-2 明代的政治與學術
- 4-3 王陽明生平
- 4-4 王陽明思想中的孟子學
- 4-5 王陽明對孟子思想的解釋
- 4-6 王陽明的孟子詮釋學的「言後之意」
- 4-7 結論
- 第五講:與孟子對話(五):清代
- 5-1 引言
- 5-2 18世紀的世界與中國
- 5-3 十八世紀東亞儒學的同調(一)通過反朱子學而反形上學
- 5-4 十八世紀東亞儒學的同調(二)在「存在」中探索「本質」
- 5-5 戴震對《孟子》的新閱讀
- 5-6 中西思潮激盪下的《孟子》一 康有為的詮釋
- 5-7 結論
- 第六講:結論:孟子精神與中國文化
- 6-1 引言
- 6-2 孟子思想的特質
- 6-3 孟子的「王道政治論」
- 6-4 孟子思想中的「公」與「私」
- 6-5 孟子的教育思想
- 6-6 結論
Summary of User Reviews
Read reviews for the Mencius2 course on Coursera. Students enjoyed this course overall and found it to be engaging and informative. Many users thought the professor was excellent, making the course easy to follow and understand.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The professor is excellent and makes the course easy to follow and understand.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging and informative course material
- Good pacing and structure
- Easy to follow and understand
- Great professor
- Good use of examples
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the workload to be too heavy
- The quizzes can be difficult
- The discussion board can be overwhelming
- Some users found the course to be too theoretical
- The course could benefit from more interactive elements