Course Summary
Learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and how to start your own business online with this course from Beida Online, featuring case studies and practical exercises.Key Learning Points
- Gain a deep understanding of the entrepreneurial process and the key factors that contribute to success
- Learn how to develop a business plan, identify and evaluate opportunities, and launch your own online venture
- Get insights and advice from successful entrepreneurs and industry experts
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a comprehensive business plan for an online venture
- Identify and evaluate potential business opportunities
- Understand the key factors that contribute to entrepreneurial success
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of business concepts and terminology
- Access to a computer and internet connection
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Video Lectures
- Case Studies
- Practical Exercises
Similar Courses
- Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
- Entrepreneurship 101: Who is your customer?
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《真格北大创业课》是真格基金与北京大学国家发展研究院首次联合开发的中文“慕课”(MOOC, Massive Open Online Course,大型公开在线课程)。课程以创业为主题,共分为三个部分:创业前的准备工作,创业中的要点,以及融资、众筹的技巧等。此课程的目的是让所有有创业意愿的或者刚刚起步的创业者更好地了解现在中国创业行业的氛围,以及创业初期不得不知的干货。每节课都凝结了真格基金业内专家和北京大学资深教授的丰富知识,也包括多位成功创业者的实践经验。完成本课程之时,你将能够为自己绝妙的创意找到切实可行的商业模式,组建能力出色行动高效的团队,撰写专业具体可执行的策划书。在课程的最后,我们希望所有的学员可以完成一份完整的商业计划书,把自己的创业想法有效地表达出来。成功完成慕课的学生会得到由Coursera提供的真格基金与北京大学联合认证的付费认证书,并且其商业计划书会得到真格基金的认真考虑。
- Starting a company 创业前要做的准备
- 介绍短片
- 坚持核心价值观提升自身领导力
- 价值观+品格=巨大的领导力
- 吸引追随者的卓越领导品质
- 西点军校的办学理念与稻盛和夫的经营理念
- 团队的重要性(一)
- 团队的重要性(二)
- 团队的重要性(三)
- 初创团队的招聘与留人(一)
- 初创团队的招聘与留人(二)
- 文化的起源与意义
- 如何构建企业文化
- 互联网+案例分析1
- 互联网+案例分析2
- 课程大纲
- 1.2 练习
- 1.3 练习
- 1.4 练习
- 1.5 练习
- Running a company 创业中的要点
- 产品匹配与市场需求(一)
- 产品匹配与市场需求(二)
- 产品匹配与市场需求(三)
- 商业模式
- 初创企业的战略营销(一)
- 初创企业的战略营销(二)
- 初创企业的战略营销(三)
- 初创企业的战略营销(四)
- 初创企业的战略营销(五)
- 初创企业的营销战略(六)
- 2.1 练习
- Raising money 融资
- 如何撬动资本杠杆(一)
- 如何撬动资本杠杆(二)
- 如何撬动资本杠杆(三)
- 融资和估值(一)
- 融资和估值(二)
- 股权众筹的发展及由来
- 融资过程中的法务问题(一)
- 融资过程中的法务问题(二)
- 3.1 练习
- 3.2 练习
- 3.4 练习
- Final Assignment: Create a business plan 撰写商业计划书
Summary of User Reviews
Learn about entrepreneurship with Zhenge Beida through online courses. Users found the course to be helpful and informative, with a focus on practical application. Overall, this course was highly recommended by many users.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course offers practical application of entrepreneurship concepts.Pros from User Reviews
- Helpful and informative course
- Great emphasis on practical application
- Well-structured content
- Excellent instructor
- Good resources and materials
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course to be too basic
- Lack of interaction with other students
- Limited feedback from instructors
- No certificate of completion offered
- Occasional technical issues