Course Summary
This course provides a comprehensive overview of competitive strategy and equips learners with the tools to analyze and respond to competition. It covers topics such as game theory, value chain analysis, and industry analysis.Key Learning Points
- Gain a deep understanding of the principles and frameworks of competitive strategy
- Learn how to analyze industries and competitors to identify opportunities and threats
- Develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage in the market
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Ability to analyze industries and competitors to identify opportunities and threats
- Ability to develop strategies to gain a competitive advantage
- Increased understanding of the principles and frameworks of competitive strategy
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of business concepts
- Familiarity with Excel and PowerPoint
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced
- Video lectures
- Quizzes and assignments
Similar Courses
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Notable People in This Field
- Professor at Harvard Business School
- Professor at UCLA Anderson School of Management
Related Books
This is a Chinese version of Competitive Strategy. You can find the original course in English from our course catalog.
此版本是Coursera首次尝试推出的中文翻译版。课程视频为英文原版附中文字幕,课程页面和测验已译成中文,帮助中心提供中文支持。 在本课程(共六个模块)中,你将了解企业在战略决策相互依存的情况下如何行事。例如,你的行动会如何影响竞争对手的利润,反之亦然。我们将会借助博弈论的基本工具分析企业如何选择策略以获得竞争优势。
- 关注你的竞争对手 Take Care of Your Competitors
- 简介 Introduction
- 博弈设定 Game Setting
- 消除劣势策略 Eliminating Dominated Strategies
- 纳什均衡 Nash Equilibrium
- 囚徒困境 Prisoners' Dilemma
- 博弈设定 Game Setting
- 逆向归纳法 Backward Induction
- 可信威胁 Credible Threats
- 小结 Wrap Up
- 测验:同时博弈 Simultaneous Games
- 测验:序贯博弈 Sequential Games
- 测验:关注你的竞争对手 Take Care of Your Competitors
- 企业为何要合作 Why Firms Work Together
- 简介 Introduction
- 合作的原因 Reasons for Cooperation
- 有限次重复 Finite Repetition
- 逆向归纳法 Backward Induction
- 无限次重复 Infinite Repetition
- 影响合作的因素 Factors Influencing Cooperation
- 积极承诺 Aggressive Commitment
- 合作承诺 Cooperative Commitment
- 小结 Wrap Up
- 测验:合作的原因 Reasons for Cooperation
- 测验:有限次重复 Finite Repetition
- 测验:无限次重复 Infinite Repetition
- 测验:承诺 Commitment
- 测验:企业为何要合作 Why Firms Work Together
- 互补产品和战略合作伙伴关系 Complementary Products and Strategic Partnerships
- 简介 Introduction
- 互补产品:示例和定义 Complements: Examples and Definitions
- 通用策略 Generic Strategies
- 正外部性 Positive Externalities
- 示例 Examples
- 战略合作伙伴关系 Strategic Partnerships
- 小结 Wrap Up
- 测验:互补产品 Complements
- 测验:互补产品策略 Strategies for Complements
- 测验:互补产品和合作 Complements and Cooperation
- 测验:互补产品和战略合作伙伴关系 Complementary Products and Strategic Partnerships
- 进入新市场 Entering a New Market
- 简介 Introduction
- 市场吸引力 Market Attractiveness
- 结构性进入壁垒 Structural Entry Barriers
- 战略性进入壁垒 Strategic Entry Barriers
- 承诺 / 价值链重构 Commitment/Value Chain Reconfiguration
- 柔道战略 / 利基市场 Judo Economics/Niche Market
- 结构性进入壁垒 / 承诺 Structural Entry Barriers/Commitment
- 限制性定价 / 掠夺性定价 Limit Pricing/Predatory Pricing
- 先占策略 Pre-Emption
- 小结 Wrap Up
- 测验:市场选择和进入壁垒 Market Choice and Entry Barriers
- 测验:进入策略 Entry Strategies
- 测验:进入遏制 Entry Deterrence
- 测验:进入新市场 Entering a New Market
- 为何要关注研发?Why Worry About Research and Development
- 简介 Introduction
- 研发的不同阶段 Stages of R&D
- 创新的不同类型 Types of Innovation
- 竞争性市场 Competitive Market
- 垄断者 Monopolist
- 垄断者对新入者的威胁 Monopolist with Threat of Entry
- 在竞争中创新 Innovation under Competition
- 沉睡专利 Sleeping Patents
- 小结 Wrap Up
- 测验:研发和创新 R & D and Innovation
- 测验:创新的激励 Incentives to Innovate
- 测验:创新和竞争 Innovation & Competition
- 测验:为何要关注研发 Why Worry About Research and Development
- 合理设计产品 Designing Products Wisely
- 简介 Introduction
- 理论模型 Theoretical Model
- 调整模型假设 Adjusting Model Assumptions
- 简介 Introduction
- 水平差异化 Horizontal Differentiation
- 垂直差异化 Vertical Differentiation
- 通用战略 Generic Strategies
- 进退两难 Stuck in the Middle
- 小结 Wrap Up
- 测验:伯特兰德悖论 Bertrand Paradox
- 测验:产品差异化 Product Differentiation
- 测验:定价和产品决策 Pricing and Product Decisions
- 测验:合理设计产品 Designing Products Wisely
- 测验:最终测验 Final-Exam
Summary of User Reviews
The Competitive Strategy course on Coursera received positive reviews from many users. One key aspect that users appreciated was the course's emphasis on practical applications. Overall, users found the course to be informative, engaging, and well-structured.Pros from User Reviews
- Informative content
- Engaging lectures
- Practical applications
- Well-structured course materials
- Helpful instructor
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the assignments to be too difficult
- Limited interaction with other students
- Some users felt that the course could have been more in-depth
- Course materials were not always available in a timely manner
- Some users experienced technical difficulties