Course Summary
This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of biology, including the structure and function of cells, genetics, evolution, and ecology. Students will gain a foundational understanding of the scientific principles that govern living organisms and their interactions with the environment.Key Learning Points
- Learn about the structure and function of cells
- Understand the principles of genetics and evolution
- Explore the interactions between living organisms and their environment
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a foundational understanding of biology
- Apply scientific principles to real-world problems
- Gain skills and knowledge necessary for further study in biology
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic high school-level knowledge of science and math
- Access to a computer and internet connection
Course Difficulty Level
IntroductoryCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Video lectures
- Quizzes and assessments
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Ecology
- Genetics and Society
- Evolution: A Course for Educators
Related Education Paths
Related Books
- 导言-饶毅
- 课程简介
- 孤独的天才—孟德尔 -饶毅
- 1.课程简介
- 2.孟德尔的故事
- 3.孟德尔的研究(上)
- 4.孟德尔的研究(下)
- 5.孟德尔遗传规律的重新发现
- 6.孟德尔成就的条件
- Reading
- 遗传的染色体学说 -饶毅
- 1. 细胞学说的观察推论
- 2.摩尔根之前的研究
- 3.摩尔根的研究
- 4.摩尔根学生的研究
- 5. 摩尔根的学术传承与果蝇的研究历程
- Reading
- DNA—遗传信息的载体-饶毅
- 1.简介
- 2.核酸的发现
- 3. 核酸的化学分析与化学结构
- 4.核酸与染色质
- 5.蛋白质与核酸
- 6.肺炎球菌的分型和分类研究
- 7.肺炎球菌的转化与转化因子
- 8.对遗传物质为DNA结果的讨论、验证以及对生命科学的影响
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- 1.预成论与后生论
- 2.自分化与依赖性分化
- 3.晶状体诱导
- 4.移植实验
- 5.胚胎诱导与组织者
- 6.余音缭绕
- 7.分子时代
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- 1. 从遗传到发育
- 2. 基因与发育
- 3.果蝇的胚胎发育
- 4.发育的生物学高峰
- Reading
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- 1.以视觉为例介绍生物学的还原与整合
- 2.视觉系统和早期对视觉对认识
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- 4.色觉(II)-参与色觉的分子
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- 5.视觉的整合(IV)-视觉的高级功能、人脸识别
- Reading
- 驱动演化的“力”-顾红雅
- 1.生物演化的定义与驱动力之一:突变
- 2.驱动力之二:自然选择之定向选择
- 3. 特例——性选择
- 4. 驱动力之二:自然选择之其他类型
- 5. 特例——人工选择
- 6. 其他的生物演化驱动力
- 7. 驱动力之六:中性选择
- Reading
- Quiz
- 现代农业生物技术与中国种业发展-邓兴旺
- 1.严峻问题——谁来养活世界?
- 2.现代农业生物技术
- 3.转基因技术——种植面积、市场份额与技术背景
- 4.转基因技术——原理、流程与实例
- Reading
- Quiz
- 生物分子的化学基础-何川
- 1. 氨基酸
- 2. 化学键
- 3. 蛋白结构
- 4. 核酸
- 5. 金属蛋白
- 6. 2015年诺贝尔化学奖——DNA修复
- Reading
- Quiz
- 下一次科学革命-第三次生命科学革命-汤超
- 1. 科学革命的起源与发展
- 2. 生命科学革命与新生物学
- 3. 生物学与学科交叉
- 4. 学科交叉的应用
- Reading
- Quiz
- 脑科学-鲁白
- 1.神经科学和认知科学
- 2.学习与记忆
- 3.神经领域的驱动力、主要理论及近年来新技术的应用
- 4.BDNF的基础与临床进展、DBS和人机交互
- Reading
- Quiz
Summary of User Reviews
This biology course on Coursera has received positive reviews with many users praising the instructor's teaching style and the course content.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course content is comprehensive and well-structured.Pros from User Reviews
- The instructor is knowledgeable and engaging.
- The course covers a wide range of topics.
- The course is suitable for both beginners and advanced learners.
- The quizzes and assignments are helpful for reinforcing the concepts taught.
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the pace of the course to be too slow or too fast.
- The course may require a significant time commitment.
- Some users felt that the course lacked in-depth coverage of certain topics.