用 Python 做商管程式設計(三)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (3))
- 4.9
Course Summary
This course is designed to teach students the principles of Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) and how to create effective PBCs.Key Learning Points
- Learn how to create effective Performance-Based Contracts
- Understand the principles of Performance-Based Contracting (PBC)
- Discover best practices for implementing PBCs
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Create effective Performance-Based Contracts
- Understand the principles of Performance-Based Contracting (PBC)
- Implement best practices for PBCs
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of procurement and contract management
- Familiarity with project management principles
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online, self-paced course
- Video lectures
- Reading materials
- Quizzes and assessments
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Contract Management
- Project Management: The Basics for Success
Related Education Paths
- Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)
- Certified Federal Contracts Manager (CFCM)
- Certified Commercial Contracts Manager (CCCM)
Notable People in This Field
- David Shields
- Charles Dominick
Related Books
本系列課程共分為三門課程。本門課程做為第三門課程,將介紹類別與物件、以 Python 繪製統計圖表、程式演算在經濟學均衡分析的應用,以及圖形化使用者介面的設計。
- C01 類別與物件
- C01-01 案例:生日記錄本
- C01-02 類別基本概念(1)
- C01-03 類別基本概念(2)
- C01-04 類別基本概念(3)
- C01-05 成員函數(1)
- C01-06 成員函數(2)
- C01-07 成員函數(3)
- C01-08 進階議題(1)
- C01-09 進階議題(2)
- NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制
- 第一週作業:時間區段內的各種批改結果
- C02 用matplotlib 繪製統計圖
- C02_01_matplotlib 簡介
- C02_02_直方圖 (1):計算繳交時間
- C02_03_直方圖 (2):繪製基本直方圖
- C02_04_直方圖 (3):設定直方圖
- C02_05_直方圖 (4):上網查詢函式庫
- C02_06_長條圖
- C02_07_圓餅圖
- C02_08_散佈圖與折線圖
- C02_09_結語
- 第二週作業:YouBike 租借記錄視覺化
- C03 程式演算在經濟學的應用
- C03_01_在經濟學的應用
- C03_02_囚犯困境
- C03_03_沙灘賣冰與均衡的概念
- C03_04_成本相同之數量競爭 (1):基本介紹
- C03_05_成本相同之數量競爭 (2):數值均衡分析
- C03_06_成本相同之數量競爭 (3):視覺化
- C03_07_成本相異之數量競爭 (1):基本介紹
- C03_08_成本相異之數量競爭 (2):數值均衡分析與視覺化
- C03_09_成本相異之數量競爭 (3):成本的影響
- 第三週作業:價格競爭
- C04 用 tkInter 做視窗程式設計
- C04-01 基本概念
- C04-02 視窗與元件
- C04-03 根號計算器:建立視窗
- C04-04 根號計算器:建立元件
- C04-05 根號計算器:事件處理函數
- C04-06 根號計算器:安排元件
- C04-07 根號計算器:完成基本版
- C04-08 根號計算器:使用文字方塊與插入圖片
- C04-09 散佈圖繪製器:建立視窗與元件
- C04-10 散佈圖繪製器:事件處理函數
- C04-11 散佈圖繪製器:加上座標
- 第四週作業:平方計算器
- C05 網路爬蟲
- C05-01 網路爬蟲的功用
- C05-02 HTML 語言
- C05-03 針對標籤做解析
- C05-04 使用 requests 函式庫
- C05-05 使用 beautifulsoup 函式庫
- C05-06 利用標籤屬性做篩選
- C05-07 自行解析出價格資訊
- C05-08 完成應用與總結
- 第五週作業:網路爬蟲
- C06 機器學習
- C06-01 機器學習
- C06-02 YouBike 預測
- C06-03 單迴歸分析
- C06-04 複迴歸分析
- C06-05 用迴歸模型做預測
- C06-06 Overfitting
- C06-07 Overfitting 範例
- C06-08 在 YouBike 預測避免 Overfitting
- C06-09 模型複雜度與預測準確度
- C06-10 交互驗證
- C06-11 懲罰模型複雜度:原理
- C06-12 懲罰模型複雜度:程式碼
- 第六週作業:機器學習
Summary of User Reviews
Learn about the principles of positive psychology and its practical application in personal and professional life. This course has received high praise from learners for its engaging content and practical exercises.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Many users found the practical exercises to be particularly helpful in applying the principles of positive psychology to their own lives.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging content
- Practical exercises
- Valuable insights
- Expert instructors
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course to be too basic
- Not all exercises were applicable to every learner's situation
- Limited interaction with instructors