Course Summary
This course teaches the fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics and their applications in computer science.Key Learning Points
- Learn the basics of logic, set theory, functions, and relations.
- Gain an understanding of graph theory and its applications in computer science.
- Explore the principles of combinatorics, probability theory, and number theory.
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the fundamental concepts of discrete mathematics.
- Apply these concepts to solve problems in computer science.
- Develop a strong foundation for further study in theoretical computer science.
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of algebra and mathematical notation.
- Familiarity with computer programming concepts.
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Self-paced
- Online
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
- Discrete Optimization
- Algorithms, Part I
Related Education Paths
Related Books
- 数理逻辑:基本概念
- 01-课程介绍
- 02-正式内容之前:形式化及其极限
- 03-正式内容之前:悖论、版画、卡农
- 04-数理逻辑介绍
- 05-什么是命题
- 06-排中律
- 07-命题符号化
- 08-逻辑联结词(上)
- 09-逻辑联结词(下)
- 10-命题公式
- 11-真值函数
- 12-命题形式化
- 课件
- 测验#1
- 数理逻辑:命题逻辑及形式系统
- 13-重言式
- 14-逻辑等价式和逻辑蕴涵式
- 15-代入原理和替换原理
- 16-证明逻辑等价式和逻辑蕴涵式
- 17-范式及基本术语
- 18-求范式的一般步骤
- 19-主范式
- 20-联结词集完备性
- 21-形式系统和证明、演绎
- 22-命题演算形式系统PC
- 23-PC中的定理证明
- 24-三个元定理
- 25-定理判定问题
- 课件
- 测验#2
- 数理逻辑:谓词逻辑及形式系统
- 26-数理逻辑-个体、谓词和量词
- 27-数理逻辑-谓词公式
- 28-数理逻辑-谓词公式永真式
- 29-数理逻辑-谓词演算形式系统FC
- 30-数理逻辑-全称引入规则及存在消除规则
- 31-数理逻辑-自然推理系统
- 32-数理逻辑-ND中的定理证明
- 课件
- 测验#3
- 集合论:集合代数
- 33-集合论与无限
- 34-集合基本概念
- 35-子集合
- 36-集合基本运算
- 37-集合族及运算
- 38-归纳定义
- 39-自然数的定义
- 40-归纳原理
- 41-数学归纳法
- 课件
- 测验#4
- 集合论:集合代数
- 42-有序组
- 43-笛卡尔积
- 44-关系定义
- 45-关系运算
- 46-关系合成运算
- 47-关系基本特性
- 48-关系特性定理
- 课件
- 测验#5
- 集合论:特殊关系及函数
- 49-等价关系
- 50-等价关系与划分
- 51-划分之间的关系
- 52-划分运算
- 53-序关系
- 54-序关系中的特殊元素
- 55-函数
- 56-函数合成
- 57-特殊函数类
- 课件
- 测验#6
- 图论:图的基本概念
- 58-图的定义
- 59-图的基本概念
- 60-度和正则图
- 61-子图与同构图
- 62-路径与连通性
- 63-连通性
- 64-欧拉图与哈密顿图
- 课件
- 测验#7
- 图论:特殊图
- 65-图的矩阵表示
- 66-二分图
- 67-二分图的匹配
- 68-平面图
- 69-树
- 70-树的应用
- 课件
- 测验#8
- 抽象代数
- 71-引言
- 72-代数结构
- 73-幺元
- 74-零元
- 75-逆元
- 76-可约元素
- 77-同构与同态
- 78-同余关系
- 79-群环域
- 课件
- 测验#9
- 形式语言与自动机:基本概念
- 80-语言及研究方向
- 81-形式语言
- 82-短语结构语法
- 83-语言及语法表示
- 84-形式语法分类
- 85-语法分析
- 86-BNF范式
- 87-语法图
- 88-正则语法
- 课件
- 测验#10
- 形式语言与自动机:有限状态机
- 89-有限状态机
- 90-状态图
- 91-泵引理
- 92-机器同余
- 93-商机器
- 94-商机器的性质
- 95-机器化简
- 96-带输出的机器
- 97-程序实现状态机
- 课件
- 测验#11
- 形式语言与自动机:图灵机与计算理论
- 98-图灵机
- 99-图灵机例子
- 100-图灵机变种
- 101-识别与判定
- 102-哥德尔编码
- 103-通用图灵机
- 104-停机问题
- 105-哥德尔不完备定理
- 106-不可判定问题
- 课件
- 测验#12
- 期末考试
- 期末考试
Summary of User Reviews
Learn discrete mathematics in a fun and interactive way with Coursera's DMathGen course. Students rave about this course, citing its engaging content and practical applications.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course's interactive approach to learning is a standout feature, with many users appreciating the hands-on experience and real-world examples.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging and interactive approach to learning
- Real-world examples make the content more accessible and relevant
- Great for beginners or those with little prior knowledge of discrete mathematics
- High-quality instruction from knowledgeable professors
- Opportunities for peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the pace of the course to be too slow
- The course may not be suitable for those with advanced knowledge of discrete mathematics
- The assessments can be challenging, particularly for those new to the subject
- Limited feedback from instructors on assignments
- Some users found the course materials to be outdated or difficult to navigate