Course Summary
Explore one of China's greatest literary works, The Dream of the Red Chamber, in this course. Learn about the novel's themes, characters, and historical context.Key Learning Points
- Gain an understanding of Chinese literature and culture through the study of The Dream of the Red Chamber
- Analyze the novel's themes, characters, and historical context
- Explore the impact of The Dream of the Red Chamber on Chinese literature and culture
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Develop an understanding of Chinese literature and culture
- Analyze and interpret a significant work of Chinese literature
- Explore the impact of literature on culture and history
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of Chinese history and culture
- Ability to read and write English
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Chinese History and Culture
- Chinese for Beginners
Related Education Paths
Related Books
- 第一週:超越自我──面對經典的態度
- 1-1 讀者的重要性 (5:00)
- 1-2 讀者之難(一)— 直覺反應的常識 (15:13)
- 1-3 讀者之難(二)— 忽略細節 (13:16)
- 1-4 讀者之難(三)— 時代價值觀 (15:47)
- 1-5 讀者之難(三)— 時代價值觀:貴族 (12:47)
- 1-6 讀者之難(四)— 好惡褒貶 (9:00)
- 1-7 讀者之境界 (7:17)
- NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制
- 第一週測驗
- 第二週:沒落貴族的落魄王孫
- 2-1 曹雪芹其人其事 (15:28)
- 2-2 旗人貴族的百年榮華 (16:06)
- 2-3 從繁華到毀滅(15:47)
- 2-4 紅樓夢的創作意圖(12:56)
- 2-5 逕思往事中的慚恨自毀(12:37)
- 第二週測驗
- 第三週 :《紅樓夢》的世界 — 貴族世家的獨特探照
- 3-1 滿漢為一的儒家禮法觀 (7:20)
- 3-2 對當代王權的認同 (12:33)
- 3-3 世家顯爵的由來 (10:25)
- 3-4 貴族世家的禮節與規範(一) (13:10)
- 3-5 貴族世家的禮節與規範(二) (15:23)
- 3-6 王府生活的核心 ─ 倫理禮法 (13:12)
- 3-7 貴族世家的階級自豪 ─ 曹雪芹 (9:10)
- 3-8 貴族世家的階級自豪 ─ 脂硯齋 (15:40)
- 3-9 庄農進京式的解讀 (09:58)
- 第三週測驗
- 第四週:世族家庭的人際網絡I:嫁禍說
- 4-1 重建寶釵嫁禍論 (10:12)
- 4-2 寶釵牽涉黛玉之因 (13:20)
- 4-3 賈府的免罪牌 — 林黛玉 (16:46)
- 4-4 林黛玉的雙重身分 (12:52)
- 4-5 再論金釧兒之死 — 寶釵的立場 (12:31)
- 4-6 再論金釧兒之死 — 寶釵的推論 (15:44)
- 4-7 尤、柳事件 (12:59)
- 4-8 任是無情也動人(17:12)
- 第四週測驗
- 第五週:世族家庭的人際網絡II:告密說
- 5-1 重建襲人告密論 (11:20)
- 5-2 建言內容的層次分析 (一)(18:49)
- 5-3 建言內容的層次分析 (二)(11:47)
- 5-4 襲人建言的脈絡分析 (10:17)
- 5-5 怡紅院眾婢間的關係 (14:23)
- 5-6 「燈姑娘」與「燈知道」— 平行同構的象徵意義(16:11)
- 5-7 告密逐婢之真凶試探 — 襲人之清白 (11:54)
- 第五單元作業延伸:告密逐婢之真凶試探 :「流動與互動」—賈府中訊息網絡的建構
- 第五單元作業延伸:告密逐婢之真凶試探 :「勢利與對立」—密告者的相關人選
- 第五週測驗
- 第六週:《紅樓夢》的愛情觀——超越才子佳人
- 6-1 一見鍾情的強度與速度 — 賈雨村/嬌杏 (13:45)
- 6-2 一見鍾情的強度與速度 — 馮淵/甄英蓮 (09:17)
- 6-3 一見鍾情的強度與速度 — 柳湘蓮/尤三姐 (18:40)
- 6-4 一見鍾情的強度與速度 — 茗烟/萬兒 (08:22)
- 6-5 對才子佳人傳統的檢視與省思 (14:03)
- 6-6 何謂至情? (15:06)
- 6-7 對情欲霸權論述的省思 (17:40)
- 6-8 日久生情的長度、深度與厚度 — 藕官/菂官 (05:38)
- 6-9 日久生情的長度、深度與厚度 — 賈寶玉/林黛玉 (18:36)
- 6-10 寶黛之情的根源 (15:40)
- 6-11 情/禮兼備 — 兩盡其道的痴理觀(一)(13:11)
- 6-12 情/禮兼備 — 兩盡其道的痴理觀(二)(10:34)
- 第六週測驗
- 期末考
Summary of User Reviews
Read reviews of The Red Chamber Dream course on Coursera. Users have praised the comprehensive coverage of the Chinese literature classic, The Dream of the Red Chamber, and the engaging instructional style of the instructor. However, some users have mentioned technical issues with the course platform and the need for more interactive features.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Comprehensive coverage of The Dream of the Red ChamberPros from User Reviews
- Engaging instructional style of the instructor
- In-depth analysis of the characters and themes
- Clear explanations of the cultural context
Cons from User Reviews
- Technical issues with the course platform
- Limited interactive features for student engagement
- Some users found the pace too slow
- Lack of opportunities for peer interaction and feedback