19 Hours Piano Course: Learn how to play Songs, Music & More
- 4.3
Brief Introduction
50,000+ Students enrolled; 19 hours Piano & Keyboard Course & lessons ; Learn to play Songs, Chords, Jazz & Music TheoryDescription
Updates (April 2021): Many new updates have been applied to this Course
This 19 Hours Piano Course will help you to learn how to play Songs and any piece of Music. With many positive ratings and more than 50 thousand students and the huge amount of valuable course content, you will definitely not regret enrolling in this course.
This Course is part of my Series of Piano Courses; all of my complete Piano Courses can be found on my website
Join over 50,000 students who have enrolled in this course and over 70,000 students who have enrolled in all my Courses.
WITH 19 HOURS OF CONTENT AND 187 Lessons , this course includes video content, PDF sheets and other lectures. This Piano & Music Course will help you to be able to play any style of music. This Piano Course is a thorough and structured course that has been designed to give you all the knowledge that you need in order to be able to play any song or any piece of music.
Below are the different sections that this Course consists of:
Getting Started
Which Piano should you buy?
The Development of Independence between the Right Hand and the Left Hand
The logical explanation of how to play the Piano
Musical Intervals
Explanation of 'Natural' , 'Sharp' , 'Flat' and 'Enharmonic Equivalent' Notes
Scales and Major Scales
Practical Exercises that you can do to master all the 12 Major Scales
Minor Scales/Natural Minor Scales
Harmonic Minor Scales
Melodic Minor Scales and the Jazz Minor Scale
Scale Degrees
More about Musical Intervals
Chords (Triad Chords) and Harmony
Major Scale Triad Chords
Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
Melodic Minor Scale Triad Chords
Harmonic Minor Scale Triad Chords
The Triad Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale
Diatonic Chords
7th Chords, 6th Chords & Suspended Chords
The Seventh Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale
Scale Degree names for Chords & the Number System for Major/Minor Scale Chords
Pentatonic, Chromatic & Blues Scales
Chord Inversions & Arpeggios
Sharps & Flats Explained Further and Tasks for you to do
The Primary and Secondary Chords in all Major and Minor Scales
How to Play Songs by ear and with Chords | Chord Progressions
Different Chord Progressions in all the 12 Keys
In this course, you will learn about how many scales and chords are built. You will learn how to be to play any song you want to play. Furthermore, you will also learn about how to figure out the chords of a song and how to play a song by using chords. Moreover, you will also learn about other topics.
- You only need a Piano or a Keyboard
- Join over 50,000 students that have enrolled in this Course. You will have all the Knowledge that is required to be able to PLAY MILLIONS OF SONGS & ANY STYLE OF MUSIC on the Piano/Keyboard
- You will know how to use Chords
- You will be able to play Songs by using Chords
- You will be able to play in all 12 keys comfortably
- You will be able to play Songs by ear
- You will know how to build many types of Scales and also use them
- You will learn about Chord Progressions
- This course will help you by giving you all the knowledge that you need in order to be able to play any song that you want to
- You will learn about Music Theory too
- You will learn about Arpeggios
- You will learn about other musical topics too