37 Word & Excel 2016 Productivity Tips
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Brief Introduction
Turbo Charging Your Workday ProductivityDescription
I believe the very technology that was supposed to make our life easier has created another layer of work which takes us away from things that we want in our lives such as more time with family, time to focus on a new project or simply reducing stress levels and risk of errors.
With over 20 years of Adult Learning & Development experince, in this course I cover 37 productivity tips that you must know about Word & Excel to immediately increase your productivity and reduce risk.
Rather than waste time attending a classroom style training course, a small time investment will enable you to focus on the key elements of both programs that will have you immediately increasing your productivity and efficiency with Word & Excel with the additional benefit of reducing risk and frustration so you can get on with more important things in your day.
- Requirements
- You should be able to use Microsoft Word & Excel at a basic level
- You will need to be using Microsoft Office 2016 or 365
- This course is primarily designed for those seeking to increase their productivity, it is not designed to be an everything you need to know about both programs