6 mock PMP exam with 1200 question database PMI exam prep

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PMP Certification PMBOK 6 Practice Exams more than 1200 questions Unofficial UDEMY Course


This tests are intended to help you prepare yourself for the PMP® (Project Management Professional) exam, offered by PMI® (the Project Management Institute).

The  includes more than 1200 PMP prep test items (questions & answers). Each question has one best answer.

6 PMP mock exams with 200 question each.

Explanations for every PMP exam question clarify correct answers.

The most important PMP exam prep activity is to answer as many sample questions as you possibly can. To help you, we have developed this  preparation test. The questions come from PMBOK and they are all based on the most current PMP Exam that has been in effect since March 2018.

All content based on A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Sixth Edition PMP Exam

In order to pass final preparation test, you should correctly answer 150 out of 200 questions in 4 hours, like in the real exam.

$ 12.99
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Dragan Nikolic


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