Brief Introduction
高级大数据系统的实现、优化和应用,包括分布式文件系统、MapReduce/Spark、Storm/Spark streaming、Mahout等系统的原理、实现、策略优化。
本课程将重点讲解高级大数据系统的实现、优化和应用,包括分布式文件系统、MapReduce/Spark、Storm/Spark streaming、Mahout等系统的原理、实现、策略优化。
Recent years have witnessed the rapid increase of the penetration of AI technology into different areas in the industry. Big data systems, the foundation that enables today’s data-driven AI, are thus becoming critically important. This course is dedicated to lead students into the basic concepts of big data systems, covering how data is effectively stored, processed and analyzed. We start from the general principles in the design of distributed systems; then we provide frameworks on how storage, computation, and network capabilities are scaled in big data systems; finally, to make such design principles easy to follow, our case studies use real industrial systems to demonstrate how the basic design principles are applied in real-world systems as well as how their performance and limitation are analyzed.
- Basic concepts of big data systems
- Principelsof designing distributed systems
- Frameworks on scaling storage, computaion and network capabilities
- Case studeis of recent industrial big data systems, including GFS, MapReduce and Spark
- Big data processing pipelines such as NoSQL, streaming, and graph data processing