Brief Introduction
Master Angular 5 from the basics to building an advanced application with Firebase's Firestore as well as authenticationDescription
This course was crafted to benefit absolutely any level of developer. We will start from scratch and learn how to create a development environment for Angular 5+, Setup Angular CLI and learn all of the fundamentals. We start by building a sandbox application to look at all of the main Angular concepts as well as building a logging application, then move to a much more advanced client management system with authentication and data storing with Firebase's new Firestore platform.
Here are some of the things you will learn about in this course:
- What is Angular?
- Dev Environment Setup Including Node.js, Visual Studio Code & Git Bash
- Angular CLI Setup & Build
- File Structure & Dependency Examination
- TypeScript Intro
- Components
- Modules & NgModule
- Data Binding & String Interpolation
- Types & Interfaces
- Template Syntax
- ngIf & ngFor Conditional Directives
- ngFor & Loops
- Property Binding, ngClass & ngStyle
- Pipes
- Events & Forms
- ngModel & 2 Way Binding
- Services
- Observables & Http
- Angular Router
- Firebase, Firestore & AngularFire2
- Flash Messaging
- Much More!!
- You should have a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript