Appium and Selenium with Python From Basics to Framework.

  • 4.2
17 hours on-demand video
$ 11.99

Brief Introduction

Python TestAutomation (Python Basics, Appium, Selenium, Allure Reporting Tool , BDD ,Saucelabs and Jenkins)


All the topics of Appium (Android , IOS and Hybrid App) , Selenium , BDD , Jenkins and Basic Python we have explained in this course

All the coding files whatever we have explained in the video, We have uploaded to udemy. So that you download and go through all those things.

Below are the Appium(Android and IOS) Topics discussed in the course.

  1. Appium Architecture

  2. Appium Inspector

  3. Launch App in (Android , IOS both in emulator and real device)

  4. Locators (id,text,content-des,index,classname , XPath , findElements etc)

  5. Waits

  6. Methods to find Current activity , context , orientation , is device locked or not

  7. Perform Action using Android key codes

  8. Element Properties such as (is displayed , is enabled , is selected , size of element , location of the element on the screen)

  9. Element Actions Such as (Click , Send text, get text , get content description etc)

  10. Gestures such as ( Scroll , LongClick , Tap , Drag and Drop , Swipe from [Left to Right , Right to Left , Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top])

  11. Hybrid App Automation on (Android and IOS devices)

  12. Pytest concepts (Fixtures , Run order , Conftest, Methods hierarchy)

  13. Python Logging concepts

  14. Allure Reporting Tool

  15. Appium Test Automation Framework (From Scratch to Advanced including Allure Reporting Tool)

Below are the Selenium Topics discussed in the course.

  1. Selenium Architecture

  2. Element Inspecting tools

  3. Launch Webpage using (Chrome , FireFox and Safari)

  4. Locators (id,name,className,tag,LinkText,Partiallinktext,CSS, XPath and FindElements etc)

  5. Waits (Explicit and Implicit)

  6. Gestures using Actions Chains Class ( Scroll,Double Click , Right Click operation etc)

  7. Navigation Methods such as (Forward , BackWard , Refresh WebPages etc)

  8. Elements Properties such as (is displayed , is enabled , is selected , Size of a element , Location of a element etc)

  9. Performing Actions on Radio buttons , Check Boxes , DropDowns , Multi Select operations , Iframes , Windows etc

  10. Alert buttons

  11. Pytest concepts (Fixtures , Run order , Conftest, Methods hierarchy)

  12. Python Logging concepts

  13. Allure Reporting Tool

  14. Selenium Test Automation Framework (From Scratch to Advanced including Allure Reporting Tool)

Below are the Basic Python Topics discussed in the course.

  1. Variables

  2. DataTypes

  3. Operators

  4. Type Casting

  5. String Data Type

  6. List

  7. Tuple

  8. Dictionary

  9. Sets Concepts

  10. Conditional Statements ( if , if else , if elif else etc)

  11. Loops (For Loop , While Loop)

  12. Loop Statements ( Break , Continue )

  13. Different types of Functions

  14. Lambda Expressions

  15. Packages and Modules

  16. OOPS ( Classes and Objects , Inheritance , Super keyword , Data Hiding)

  17. Python Decorators

Below are the Python BDD(behave) Topics discussed in the course.(We will update with more concepts)

  1. Configuration of BDD

  2. Structure of BDD

  3. Creating Feature and Step Definition files

  4. Execution of BDD

Below are the Jenkins Topics discussed in the course.

  1. Introduction and drawbacks of Jenkins

  2. Installation and Configuring Jenkins

  3. Configuration of Job in Jenkins

  4. Schedule the Job according to the required time


  • Requirements
  • Computer or Laptop - Windows or Mac. Setup and installation instructions are included for each platform on all the topics of Appium (Android , IOS and Hybrid App) , Selenium , BDD , Jenkins and Basic Python.
  • You no need to have any coding experience to start this course. Everything from the basics we have explained.
  • Just we are required to spend your time and maintain the schedule to prepare,So that within 45-days you can complete the course.
$ 11.99
Available now
17 hours on-demand video
Sujith Reddy


Sujith Reddy

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