Brief Introduction
Developing, Debugging and Optimizing the AVR platform for High Performance and Low Power ConsumptionDescription
As one of the most extensive course available: we will be looking at everything and more under the hood of Arduino. In its core the ATmega328P MCU integrates many features, that are not exposed through the Arduino library. While learning how the periphery works, the student will be able to write code exhibiting high performance at a low power consumption. Embedded systems deployed in the field and powered by small batteries can run and collect data for years.
The big advantage of the AVR platform is that many concepts introduced in this course are also applicable to other MCUs. Therefore an entire portfolio of MCUs ranging from the small ATtiny to the larger ATmega series becomes accessible. The ATmega328P used in this course is just an example and the student is encouraged to obtain programming experience for embedded systems not limited to Arduino. This is motivated by practical sessions as well as exercises in which a real world problems are to be solved. In case, questions during implementation arise, the student is able to peek at hints and tips and if nothing works, also the solutions are provided with plenty of comments in the source code.
In this course the following topics are covered, which focus on the practical aspects and what a concept can be used for. In addition, the course does not follow a particular outline and the topics can be taken in any order based on the interest and needs. The covered topics include:
GNU Compiler Collection and what happens at every step and why
A small introduction into C and pointers
Moving from the Ardiuno library to AVR: Less luxury, faster execution, lesser resources
How to compile with Makefiles? Targets, rules and shortcuts
Easy mistakes in C: In C the developer has great power to implement the functionality. But with great power, comes also great responsibility. How to avoid some of the common mistakes and reduce the area for attack vectors (this is not limited to Embedded Systems)?
Timers, Counters, and Pulse Width Modulation
Communication Protocols
DHT and 1-Wire
How to mimic other, former incompatible, protocols?
Analog Digital Converter
How does it work?
Measuring the Temperature without external components
Measuring Battery Level with the ADC
Analog Comparator
Non-volatile Memories
How to use the flash (program memory) for constants?
How to use the flash while executing a program?
Running the AVR on a Breadboard.
Saving power
Dynamic Clock Frequency
Turning off unnecessary Components
Wake-up Sources
Debugging (with practical examples)
After completing this course, the successful student will have the experience not only to evaluate existing software, but also create implementations which are highly optimized to be deployed on small microcontrollers to squeeze out every quanta of performance and battery life.
- Requirements
- Working Knowledge in C or Arduino
- Soldering/Breadboard Skills for the Examples and Exercises
- Able to work with a Multimeter and read Circuit Diagrams