Brief Introduction
Learn and build full apps with Asp Net Core 2.2.1,Angular 6,Entity Framework Core,Identity Core,NET Standarts,React.jsDescription
In this course you will learn ASP NET Core 2.2.1.
If you already know ASP NET Core, it is time for you to move on the next version.
This is a chance to see the new features and apply them on the sample live project with all the elements used successfully. So you can expreriment all the new features of Asp NET Core 2, on a live project.
We can say that this course is the most comprehensive ASP NET CORE 2 course on the internet !!!
First of all, you should know that ASP NET CORE 2 is developed on the object oriented architecture. So you should have some knowledge and experience on software development and OOP - C#.
The course is starting with Model - View - Controller (MVC). First you will learn what is it, and after that you will learn to apply MVC Architecture on the same project.
One of the best new features is, Razor Web Pages. And these are the special detailed subject on this course.
Also you will learn how to use Web API on Asp Net Core 2.
After MVC, you will learn routing, model binding, model validation, dependency injection and how to use design patterns in the project. And continue with Entity Framework Core, how to integrate to the project and new features of the Entity Framework Core 2.
The most important subject of the course is IDENTITY. You will learn Login, Register, Forget Password And Security Processes by manuel and auto. So we can be developing secure projects on this course.
The next big subject is, State Management.
and how to use them on ASP NET Core 2.
Well of course we will learn Angular 6, Knockout.js and React.js which comes at the templates with Asp NET Core 2.2.1 in details.
Also some advances subjects : Pipeline and how to develop code on pipeline, especially at the security side and user interaction.
Wellcome to our course, which will teach you all about ASP NET CORE 2.
- Requirements
- Visual Studio 2017 (FREE)
- Knowledge and experience in C#
- Basics of Html, CSS and Javascript
- Basics of .Net Framework
- Learn how to develop Web Applications With Asp Net Core 2 Mvc 6 Framework
- Learn Dependency Injection in Asp net Core 2 Mvc 6
- Develop Client-Side Apps With, JQuery, Knockout js
- Learn to use Razor Web Pages
- Angular 4 using in Asp net Core 2 Mvc 6 projects
- Learn to use Design Patterns
- Learn how to integrate Entity Framework Core to Asp Net Core 2 project
- Learn how to implement and use Asp Net Core IDENTITY
- Learn to use state managements like, sessions, caching and cookie
- Learn to use React JS
- Learn how to develop Pipeline at the security side