Brief Introduction
Practice 180 real AWS CCP exam questions with detailed explanations. Pass the exam in the first attempt.Description
Practice tests in this course have 260 Questions based on the most recent official AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. Each question has a detailed explanation supporting the correct answer(s) as well as links to official AWS documentation.
By taking the tests, you will be in a far confident position to take the actual exam, which will help you ace the official exam in the first attempt.
What you get?
260 unique practice questions
Detailed explanations and links to official AWS documentation
Verified questions and answers
Questions based upon most recent, official AWS CCP exam
Why should you take this course?
Passing the actual exam requires extensive study of concepts as well as understanding the level of questions asked in the official exam. Practice tests in this course are based on the most recent questions asked in the official AWS CCP exam and have been verified and Quality checked by our SMEs
Every question has a detailed explanation as to why a particular option is correct or incorrect.
30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked. If you don't like the tests for some reason, you can ask for a full refund, and you'll get it.
Practice tests are based on official AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam objectives, and covers the following domains
Cloud Concepts - 28%
Security - 24%
Technology - 36%
Billing and Pricing - 12%