Brief Introduction
Validate your readiness to take the official AWS exam and get the confidence you need to pass first time!Description
Qualify as an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate and validate your expertise in deployment, management, and operations on AWS. On-demand access to our 180 practice exam questions will help you confidently prepare yourself for the AWS certification exam.
These practice questions have been designed after thoroughly reviewing the exam blueprint and analyzing exam expectations. Across the three practice exams, we cover all core concepts related to:
Monitoring and Metrics
High Availability
Deployment and Provisioning
Data Management
We will continuously update these practice exams with new questions so you will never have to worry about missing out or failing the AWS certification exams because of new content. At the end of each exam, you will be able to review your answers and review our explanations of the right answer. This will help you identify areas where you might need to study further.
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator
The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate exam is designed to help you prove your technical expertise in deployment, management, and operations on AWS. In order to succeed in the SysOps Administrator Associate exam, you should understand core exam concepts including:
Deploying, managing and supporting highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS
Migrating existing application to the AWS Cloud
Implementing and controlling the flow of data to and from AWS
Choosing the right AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements
Using AWS operational best practices
Estimating AWS usage costs and help your customers maximize on their investments in the cloud.
Candidate Profile
One year hands-on experience operating AWS-based applications
Experience of provisioning, operating, and maintaining systems
Identify and gather requirements and design solutions that can be built and operated on AWS
Provide AWS operations and deployment guidance and use best practices throughout the lifecycle of a project
Practice Exam Breakdown
This practice exam simulator comes with 3 exams of 60 questions each. You have 80 minutes to complete each exam and you can retake these as many times as you like. The format of the questions are as follows:
Multi Choice Questions
Multi-Answer Questions
True & False
Yes & No