Big Data analytics with PySpark (Apache Spark and Python)
- 2.8
Brief Introduction
A course for leveraging the power of Python and putting it to use in the(Apache spark architecture) Spark ecosystem.Description
PySpark helps data scientists interface with Resilient Distributed Datasets in apache spark and python.Py4J is a popularly library integrated within PySpark that lets python interface dynamically with JVM objects (RDD's). In this course you'll learn how to use Spark from Python! Spark is a tool for doing parallel computation with large datasets and it integrates well with Python. PySpark is the Python package that makes the magic happen. You'll use this package to work with some live example. You'll learn to wrangle this data and build a whole machine learning pipeline to predict results. Get ready to put some Spark in your Python code and dive into the world of high performance machine learning!
Apache Spark is a fast cluster computing framework which is used for processing, querying and analyzing big data. Being based on in-memory computation, it has an advantage over several other big data frameworks.
Originally written in the Scala programming language, the open source community has developed an amazing tool to support Python for Apache Spark. PySpark helps data scientists interface with RDDs in Apache Spark and Python through its library Py4j. There are many features that make PySpark a better framework than others:
Speed: It is 100x faster than traditional large-scale data processing frameworks.
Powerful Caching: Simple programming layer provides powerful caching and disk persistence capabilities.
Deployment: Can be deployed through Mesos, Hadoop via Yarn, or Spark's own cluster manager.
Real Time: Real-time computation and low latency because of in-memory computation.
Polyglot: Supports programming in Scala, Java, Python, and R.
PySpark in the Industry
Let's move ahead with our PySpark tutorial and see where Spark is used in the industry.
Every industry revolves around big data and where there's big data, there's analysis involved. So let's have a look at the various industries where Apache Spark is used.
Media is one of the biggest industries growing towards online streaming. Netflix uses Apache Spark for real-time stream processing to provide personalized online recommendations to its customers. It processes 450 billion events per day which flow to server-side applications.
Finance is another sector where Apache Spark's real-time processing plays an important role. Banks are using Spark to access and analyze social media profiles to gain insights which can help them make the right business decisions for credit risk assessment, targeted ads, and customer segmentation. Customer churn is also reduced using Spark. Fraud detection is one of the most widely used areas of machine learning where Spark is involved.
Healthcare providers are using Apache Spark to analyze patient records along with past clinical data to identify which patients are likely to face health issues after being discharged from the clinic. Apache Spark is used in genomic sequencing to reduce the time needed to process genome data.
Retail and e-commerce is an industry where one can't imagine it running without the use of analysis and targeted advertising. One of the largest e-commerce platform today, Alibabaruns some of the largest Spark jobs in the world in order to analyze petabytes of data. Alibaba performs feature extraction in image data. eBay uses Apache Spark to provide targeted offers, enhance customer experience and optimize overall performance.
Travel industries also use Apache Spark. TripAdvisor, a leading travel website that helps users plan a perfect trip, is using Apache Spark to speed up its personalized customerrecommendations. TripAdvisor uses Apache Spark to provide advice to millions of travelers by comparing hundreds of websites to find the best hotel prices for its customers.
An important aspect of this PySpark tutorial is to understand why we need to use Python. Why not Java, Scala or R?
Easy to Learn: For programmers, Python is comparatively easier to learn because of its syntax and standard libraries. Moreover, it's a dynamically typed language, which means RDDs can hold objects of multiple types.
A vast set of libraries: Scala does not have sufficient data science tools and libraries like Python for machine learning and natural language processing. Moreover, Scala lacks good visualization and local data transformations.
Huge Community Support: Python has a global community with millions of developers that interact online and offline in thousands of virtual and physical locations.
One of the most important topics here is the use of RDDs. Let's understand what RDDs are.
Spark RDDs
When it comes to iterative distributed computing, i.e. processing data over multiple jobs in computations, we need to reuse or share data among multiple jobs. Earlier frameworks like Hadoop had problems while dealing with multiple operations/jobs like:
Storing data in intermediate storage such as HDFS.
Multiple I/O jobs make the computations slow.
Replications and serializations which in turn makes the process even slower.
RDDs try to solve all the problems by enabling fault-tolerant distributed in-memory computations. RDD is short for Resilient Distributed Datasets. RDD is a distributed memory abstraction which lets programmers perform in-memory computations on large clusters in a fault-tolerant manner. They are the read-only collection of objects partitioned across a set of machines that can be rebuilt if a partition is lost. There are several operations performed on RDDs:
Transformations: Transformations create a new dataset from an existing one. Lazy Evaluation.
Actions: Spark forces the calculations for execution only when actions are invoked on the RDDs.
- Requirements
- Good understanding of Python and basic knowledge of Apache Spark