Brief Introduction
Two high quality sample certification exams (120 questions total)Description
All of our course materials, including these two sample AD01 certification exams have been designed for students who genuinely want to learn and become better developers. If you're looking for an exam dump, please look elsewhere.
We've been training Blue Prism developers online and in workshop sessions for over three years now. Hundreds of students have obtained their Blue Prism certifications through our training courses.
What this exam offers:
High quality questions matching (or surpassing) the difficulty of the actual exams. By "surpass" we mean that we've deliberately tried to not include obviously incorrect choices. This gives you more opportunities to learn
Questions designed to track the exact topics, style and concepts on the actual exam
Detailed answers for each response. The answers teach you the theory and best practice concepts needed to not only pass the exam, but to become a better developer. All of the answers have been checked in the Blue Prism software and documentation to ensure their correctness
Near-perfect English grammar and unambiguous questions