Brief Introduction
Follow the journey of Daniel and his companions in exile with Professor N.T. Wright as your guide.Description
Explore the Book of Daniel, a marvelous story of God’s people in exile. In it, Daniel and his companions embark on an extraordinary journey, the themes of which are picked up by Jesus in his own teachings. This is an excellent book to examine to learn how Old Testament writings connect with New Testament teachings.
In this riveting course, Professor N.T. Wright unravels the mysteries in this book and reveals a story of vindication. You’ll also learn how this Old Testament book fits in the overall narrative of the Bible, and how its writings were understood by people living before Jesus’ time. This intermediate level course focuses on the hero stories and narratives in the book of Daniel'. Prepare to be challenged and encouraged in mind and spirit while you follow Daniel’s story.
- Requirements
- Curiosity about the mysterious and extraordinary story of Daniel.