Brief Introduction
How to let go of your addiction, easily and painlessly, to tap in to your own inner peace and confidenceDescription
Do you think that you’re an addict? Do you call yourself an addict or do you believe you’re keeping your addiction a secret from others? Break Free from Addiction is for you whether you just want to cut down on your drinking or smoking - or you have a class A addiction that has destroyed your life and is killing you.
Break Free from Addiction will give you confidence that you can beat your addiction. You can change your life and live free from addiction. This course will give you a strong foundation and belief that you have everything you need to deal with any emotion or circumstance without needing the crutch of your drug of choice.
Break Free from Addiction will take you on a journey to remember who you really are. You’ll get a better understanding of yourself, your beliefs and where your feeling and emotions come from.
I understand the questions you have. I know the challenges and I’m here to help you. This isn’t a course with steps, I’m not giving you things to do or techniques to master.
I know that you’ve probably tried other courses or addiction programmes and I admire you for it. You haven’t failed if you relapsed, you’ve successfully found a way that didn’t work for you but this course will work for you. I’m going to show you how easy it really can be to stop your habit and get out of addiction.
I’ll talk to all of the questions and objections that you might have. Things like:
- It’s too difficult to stop
- I’ve got too much bad stuff going on in my life to stop now
- It’s the only thing in my life I enjoy
- Who am I without it?
- I’ve tried to stop before but I can’t
- I always relapse
- I can’t help it, I’ve got an addictive personality
This course will help you to get back in control of you and your life without relying on meetings and sponsors - this is your life.
- Requirements
- Start this course with an open mind
- You need to know that there is nothing wrong with you
- Know that you can be free