Course Summary
Learn how chemistry impacts your daily life with this course on household chemistry. Discover the science behind cleaning products, cooking, and more.Key Learning Points
- Understand the chemical reactions that occur in common household items
- Learn how to make your own cleaning products using natural ingredients
- Discover the science behind cooking and baking
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the basic principles of chemistry
- Apply chemistry concepts to everyday life
- Make informed decisions about household products
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of chemistry
- Access to common household items
Course Difficulty Level
BeginnerCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
Similar Courses
- Chemistry of Cooking
- Green Cleaning
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En este curso, ofrecido por la UNAM, el participante conocerá una buena parte de la química que lo rodea y tendrá elementos para saber que la química no es tan mala como nos quieren hacer creer.
- El baño
- Introducción
- Jabones
- Detergentes
- Blanqueadores
- Desengrasantes
- La industria farmáceutica
- Aspirina
- Barbasco
- Si no estás inscrito a este curso como usuario de Coursera para la UNAM, por favor revisa esta información:
- Bienvenida
- Componentes empleados en los detergentes
- ¿Cómo leer una etiqueta?
- Cuestionario sobre limpieza
- Sala y habitaciones
- ¿Qué es un polímero?
- Polímeros, fibras naturales y sintéticas
- Biodegradables
- Oxodegradables
- Pigmentos naturales y artificiales
- Síntesis del amoniaco y colorantes sintéticos
- Clasificaciones de polímeros
- Los colores y su origen
- Polímeros naturales y sintéticos
- Polímeros degradables
- La cocina
- Reacción de Maillard
- Alimentos no convencionales
- Métodos basados en azúcar
- Conservadores químicos
- El origen de la cocina: primera parte.
- El origen de cocina: segunda parte
- Métodos de conservación
- Entre flores, insectos y Maillard
- Conservando a los alimentos
- El basurero
- Reciclaje
- Poliestirenos
- Técnicas de composteo
- Biomasa
- Manejo adecuado de residuos
- Química en mi casa en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID19
- Ejemplos para deshacernos de los polímeros
- Manejando la basura
Summary of User Reviews
Discover the chemistry behind everyday household items with Química en mi casa. Students loved the engaging and practical approach of the course, which helped them understand the science behind things they use every day. The course also received high marks for its accessibility and relevance to daily life.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The practical approach of the course helped students understand the science behind everyday household items.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging and practical approach to learning
- Relevance to daily life
- Accessible and easy to understand
- Great for beginners
- Helpful supplementary materials
Cons from User Reviews
- Limited depth in some topics
- Some videos were too basic
- Not enough hands-on activities
- Not challenging enough for advanced learners
- Lack of interaction with instructors