Course Summary
Learn C programming language design and development skills, including basic concepts, syntax, algorithms and data structures, and debugging techniques.Key Learning Points
- Understand the basics of C programming language
- Learn algorithms and data structures for C programming
- Develop debugging techniques for C programs
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Develop programming skills for the C language
- Understand algorithms and data structures for C programming
- Develop debugging techniques for C programs
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic understanding of programming concepts
- Access to a computer with a C compiler software installed
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced course
- Video lectures and quizzes
Similar Courses
- C Programming: Getting Started
- C++ For C Programmers, Part A
Related Education Paths
Notable People in This Field
- Dennis Ritchie
- Brian Kernighan
Related Books
- 欢迎加入《C程序设计进阶》
- 专项课程介绍
- 欢迎加入《C程序设计进阶》
- C程序中的函数
- 函数的定义与声明
- 函数的调用过程
- 函数调用示例
- 变量的作用域
- 数组做函数参数
- 函数应用示例
- 函数的递归
- 如何理解递归
- 递归调用的过程
- 递归应用示例(切饼、斐波那契数列)
- 递归应用示例(进制转换、汉诺塔)
- 递归应用示例(放苹果)[较难 选听]
- 递归应用示例(逆波兰表达式)[较难 选听]
- 习题课一:枚举、模拟与递归
- 写在下一个部分之前的话
- 指针(一)
- 什么是指针
- 什么是指针变量
- 指针变量示例
- 指针变量的++ --
- 数组与指针
- 用指针访问数组
- 指向二维数组的指针
- 习题课二:搜索 [较难,选听]
- 指针
- 指针(二)
- 字符串与指针
- 取地址与指针运算
- 二维数组名的含义
- 二维数组名引用示例
- 指针(三)
- 指针做函数参数
- 限制指针实参的功能
- 指针做函数返回值
- 静态局部变量
- 结构体与链表
- 结构体与结构体变量
- 结构体变量与函数
- 结构体变量与指针
- 链表的定义
- 链表的操作
- 最后一次课
- 轻叩面向对象之门
- 下载、安装和使用IDE
- 使用IDE进行调试
- 期末考试,课程结语
- 祝贺大家顺利学完了《C程序设计进阶》
Summary of User Reviews
Discover the secrets of C programming with this comprehensive course on Coursera. Users have praised this course for its clear explanations and hands-on approach to learning. Many have appreciated the practical examples and real-world applications that make the concepts easy to grasp.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Clear explanations and hands-on approach to learningPros from User Reviews
- Practical examples and real-world applications
- Easy to follow and understand
- Great for beginners and intermediate learners
- Engaging and interactive exercises
- Good value for the price
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course material too basic
- Lack of advanced topics covered
- Not suitable for experienced programmers
- Limited interaction with course instructors
- Some technical issues with the platform