Course Summary
Learn how to design and write efficient programs using C++. This course covers topics such as data types and structures, control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and file input/output.Key Learning Points
- Learn to design and write efficient programs using C++
- Get hands-on experience with programming assignments and quizzes
- Gain a solid foundation in computer programming and problem-solving skills
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Design and write efficient programs using C++
- Develop problem-solving skills
- Gain a solid foundation in computer programming
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of programming concepts
- Access to a computer with C++ compiler installed
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced course
- Videos and quizzes
- Programming assignments
Similar Courses
- Introduction to C++
- C++ for C Programmers
Related Education Paths
Notable People in This Field
- Developer of C++ programming language
- C++ expert and author
Related Books
- 快来加入我们吧!
- 专项课程介绍
- 欢迎加入C++程序设计课程
- 如何学好这门课?
- 课程教材-《新标准C++程序设计》,郭炜编著,清华大学出版社
- 从C走进C++
- 函数指针
- 命令行参数
- 位运算
- 引用
- const关键字和常量
- 动态内存分配
- 内联函数和重载函数
- 函数缺省参数
- 面向对象程序设计方法
- 面向对象语言的发展历程
- 从客观事物抽象出类的例子
- 类成员的可访问范围
- 程序AC你必须知道的秘密
- 课程Slides
- 从C走进C++
- C++初探
- 类和对象
- 内联成员函数和重载成员函数
- 构造函数
- 复制构造函数
- 类型转换构造函数
- 析构函数
- 静态成员变量和静态成员函数
- 成员对象和封闭类的概念
- 友元
- this指针
- 常量对象、常量成员函数和常引用
- 课程Slides
- 类和对象
- 运算符重载
- 运算符重载的基本概念
- 赋值运算符的重载
- 运算符重载为友元函数
- 实例 – 长度可变的整型数组类
- 流插入运算符和流提取运算符的重载
- 自增/自减运算符的重载
- 课程Slides
- 运算符重载
- 继承与派生
- 继承和派生
- 复合关系和继承关系
- 基类/派生类同名成员和protected访问范围说明符
- 派生类的构造函数
- public继承的赋值兼容规则
- 课程Slides
- 继承与派生
- 多态与虚函数
- 多态和虚函数的基本概念
- 使用多态的游戏程序实例
- 更多多态程序实例
- 多态实现原理
- 虚析构函数
- 纯虚函数和抽象类
- 课程Slides
- 文件操作和模板
- 文件操作
- 函数模板
- 类模板
- string类
- 输入输出
- 课程Slides
- 文件操作和模板
- 标准模板库 STL-1
- STL-概述
- STL-概述(续)
- 顺序容器Vector
- List和Deque
- 函数对象
- 课程Slides
- STL-1
- 标准模板库 STL-2
- Set和Multiset
- Map和Multimap
- 容器适配器
- 算法
- 算法(续)
- 课程Slides
- STL-2
- 期末考试
- 期末考试-选择题
- [选学] C++高级主题和C++11新特性
- C++11新特性
- C++11新特性(续)
- 强制类型转换
- 异常处理
- 课程Slides
- 结束语
- 我们的结束语
Summary of User Reviews
Learn C++ programming and software design with this course by ChengXu SheJi on Coursera. Students appreciate the instructor's clear explanations and hands-on exercises. Overall, the course is highly recommended for beginners who want to learn C++ programming.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Clear explanations and hands-on exercisesPros from User Reviews
- Instructor provides clear explanations and examples throughout the course
- Hands-on exercises help students apply concepts learned in the course
- Course covers a wide range of topics in C++ programming
Cons from User Reviews
- Course may move too quickly for some beginners
- Some students find the assignments and quizzes challenging
- Course does not cover advanced topics in C++ programming