Camino a la Excelencia en GestiĆ³n de Proyectos
- 4.7
Course Summary
This course offers a different perspective on project management, focusing on the Camino de Santiago as a metaphor for project management excellence. Explore the importance of teamwork, communication, and leadership as you learn to manage projects effectively.Key Learning Points
- Learn project management skills through the lens of the Camino de Santiago
- Understand the importance of teamwork, communication, and leadership in project management
- Gain practical tools and techniques for managing projects effectively
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the Camino de Santiago as a metaphor for project management excellence
- Identify and apply key project management skills, such as planning, scheduling, and risk management
- Develop effective communication and leadership skills for managing teams and stakeholders
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of project management
- Familiarity with Microsoft Excel
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online self-paced course
- Video lectures
- Quizzes and assignments
Similar Courses
- Project Management: Mastering Complexity
- Agile Project Management
- Project Management Principles and Practices
Related Education Paths
- Certified Project Manager (CPM)
- Project Management Professional (PMP)
- Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP)
Notable People in This Field
- John C. Maxwell
- Simon Sinek
- BrenƩ Brown
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El curso āCamino a la excelencia en gestiĆ³n de proyectosā describe los tres principales componentes de Lean Project Management (GestiĆ³n de Proyectos sin PĆ©rdidas), estos son: (1) La filosofĆa de producciĆ³n lean, la que proveniente de la industria automotriz japonesa, revisaremos sus principios fundamentales y cĆ³mo se ha adaptado a otras industrias. (2) El cambio cultural, la implementaciĆ³n de lean depende de las personas y veremos quĆ© caracterĆsticas son necesarias para la excelencia en gestiĆ³n de proyectos y quĆ© condiciones contractuales ayudan a generar una mejor cultura. (3) La tecnologĆa, veremos mĆ©todos y tĆ©cnicas lean tales cĆ³mo mapeo de la cadena de valor, sistema de planificaciĆ³n el Ćŗltimo planificador, entre otros. Finalmente, este curso entrega los conceptos bĆ”sicos y permite la ejercitaciĆ³n de estos conceptos para caminar hacia la excelencia en gestiĆ³n de proyectos.
- IntroducciĆ³n: ĀæQuĆ© es Lean Project Management?
- ĀæQuĆ© es Lean Production?
- Origen de Lean Production
- ComparaciĆ³n de Lean Production vs ProducciĆ³n en masa
- ĀæQuĆ© es Lean Project Management?
- Cuestionario MĆ³dulo 1
- FilosofĆa Lean
- FilosofĆa Lean
- 5 Principios Lean
- 14 principios lean (1ra parte)
- 14 principios Lean (2da parte)
- PĆ©rdidas de Lean
- PĆ©rdidas en industrias
- SelecciĆ³n multiple capitulo 2
- Cultura Lean
- CaracterĆsticas de la Cultura Lean
- Contratos Relacionales
- Integrated Project Delivery
- Cuestionario MĆ³dulo 3
- TeconologĆas Lean: Herramientas para mejorar
- TecnologĆa Lean
- Value Stream Maping
- Target Value Design
- Choosing by Advantages
- Set-Based Design
- Last Planner System
- Last Planner System (2da parte)
- Reporte A3
- Cuestionario capitulo 4
- Conectando los tres vƩrtices del triƔngulo Lean
- ĀæQuĆ© es Lean?
- EvoluciĆ³n de Lean desde la manufactura a la gestiĆ³n de proyectos
- Ejemplo de aplicaciĆ³n de herramientas Lean en GestiĆ³n de Proyectos
- Barreras de implementaciĆ³n de Lean en GestiĆ³n de Proyectos
- Futuro de Lean en GestiĆ³n de Proyectos
Summary of User Reviews
Discover the secrets of successful project management with Camino a la Excelencia en la GestiĆ³n de Proyectos course on Coursera. Users have praised the course for its practical approach, real-life examples, and engaging instructors.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course provides practical and real-life examples to help learners understand project management concepts better.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging instructors who provide clear explanations and helpful feedback.
- The course covers essential project management concepts and techniques in a comprehensive manner.
- The course offers practical tools and resources that learners can apply to their projects immediately.
- The course encourages learners to collaborate and share ideas with others through discussion forums.
- The course is well-structured and easy to follow, even for beginners.
Cons from User Reviews
- Some learners found the course too basic and not challenging enough.
- Some learners struggled with the technical aspects of the course, such as using Excel.
- Some learners found the course materials to be outdated and not relevant to their industry.
- Some learners felt that the course lacked depth and did not cover advanced project management topics.
- Some learners found the course to be too time-consuming and difficult to balance with their work or other commitments.