Certified Planets Vibrations Coaching card Reader
- 4.3
Brief Introduction
Coaching & Healing daily communication with your Vibrational planetar - Use your Personal Planets and Vibrational colorsDescription
Hello wonderful Souls! I am Kelleh your instructor to this course, I am a member of Apollonian Academy. Vibrational Spiritual Coaching certified course is an amazing new method for balancing consciously Emotions & Mind. It is a repeated personal vibrational healing cycle of 42 days program that will enrich your knowledge and your skills as a Healer to your self, your beloved ones & clients! Using the certified deck of Vibrational programmed cards you are coaching the 3 parts of Psyche, and you are activating an alert - connection with your Spiritual Guides. You learn how to act, how to choose the wisest path and interact daily, for creating Dharma - Divine gifts to you and all people around you.
You will be amazed, by the inner gnosis you are going to receive. The importance of each day ray, your planets magnetic rays, and the sacred number seven 7 system. The purpose is to be balanced with your Earth rhythm, so you can make a step forward to your life purpose - & to your Cosmic rhythms.
Easy to understand and you can start from today coaching your spiritual week!
Being balanced to everyday needs and deeds is the most important key for entering the “room/gate” of mortal spirituality.
You will learn:
Planets and their Vibrations
Your sacred Rainbow Gate
The midpoint seven of your sacred circle
Number Seven - Pythagorian explanation of colored Tetractys
Where ego and lower self live in & your geometrical body (ether)
Planetary Vibrations and how to use them
Your personal each day Vibrational Color Band and how to use it for definitive mind transformation
The system is based on Greek Shamans called Western Philosophers and especially to Pythagorian' Tetractys.
With the completion of this A'level course, you will be a certified Vibrational Spiritual Coacher not only for you and your beloved ones but also for all souls who need you to be a vibrational planetary bridge for them.
All courses of our Academy are certified, this means that you are licensed to use our Apollonian decks professionally! (A. Academic points 1.47)
May Universal Love be all around you! - Thank you in full faith! - Kelleh
- Requirements
- It is addressed to those who wish to Balance their Holy Trinity Body/Mind-Soul-Spirit - a New Method - based on Western Philosophers esoteric gnosis of Tetractys