Brief Introduction
CFE Section on Law or the Legal Elements of FraudDescription
Hi! Welcome to this session about Law or the Legal Elements of Fraud. As a CFE candidate, you must have familiarity with the many legal ramifications of conducting fraud examinations. Examples of areas included are civil and criminal law, rules of evidence, the rights of the accused and the accuser, and expert witness matters. The ACFE does not expect you to be a law expert.
Fraud examination is a law-intensive field, and its related legal issues are often/ complicated. Interpreting law might require legal professionals, so if there are legal questions during your fraud examination, consult with a legal advisor. Remember, your investigation's success depends on you following the proper legal procedures, whether you are dealing with a suspect's rights, collecting documents, or interviewing a witness. As a CFE, your work will be subject to scrutiny. Therefore, you must be meticulous in all its stages, including communicating your work results.