Brief Introduction
Learn all about the 7 chakras and why they are important to your health and well being.Description
* Chakra basics and their role in conditions and symptoms
* Tools for balancing and healing your chakras: essential oils, homeopathics, ayurvedic food, yoga poses, crystals, tapping, affirmations, mental rehearsal, and spiritual primers.
* 19 page PDF comprised of the key information in the recordings
* Guided chakra meditation and self assessment
* 50 resource links included within the PDF for purchasing products and researching more.
About me, your instructor:
My interest
in chakras started when I began searching for natural ways to heal from anxiety, depression, and ptsd.
My symptoms were rooted in my traumatic childhood. These symptoms could no longer be ignored when I faced the challenges of raising children with chronic health conditions. Worry and fear collected in my abdominal area which is the Solar Plexus chakra. These energies collected over time, causing me chronic anxiety and eventually depression. There were other contributing factors of my life at the time, but the main causes were these emotions collecting in my Solar Plexus Chakra.
I learned that healing the chakras heal the physical symptoms and conditions we struggle with. I discovered that unprocessed emotions, thoughts, and memories carry an energetic charge and are found in different places in the body depending on their nature. These energy ‘cysts’ form when a person at the time doesn’t have tools or resources to clear them. If they stay in our bodies for a long time, they can block normal flow of energy, resulting in health conditions. I was amazed by the sophistication and organization of the body. I began to make connections between other emotions and their location in my body.
Working with my chakras profoundly reversed many health conditions that I struggled with. It has turned into a passion of mine to share how to clear negative and unwanted energy in the body to optimize health.
As an energy medicine practitioner, I work with a client’s chakras by clearing out unwanted emotions, thoughts, and memories. I also clear out stagnant energy and toxins such as a build up of pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes, and other unwanted substances.
Chakras are fascinating, delicate and intricate. I hope you find this class fun and helpful toward maintaining your health and well being.
In health and hope,
Energy Intuitive, Author, and Healer
- Requirements
- To be open to exploring the non-physical world of energy.