Chess Masterclass: Complete Guide to Chess Rules +Principles
- 4.5
Brief Introduction
Although cheating is much faster, Uptight Puppy will teach you how to play chess properly. As only a polite pug can.Description
This course is for novices to intermediate players who don't mind being taught by a dog. A dog called Uptight Puppy.
Uptight Puppy knows all the things.
Uptight Puppy will teach you how to set up the board. Does the white square go on the left or right? Uptight Puppy knows.
Uptight Puppy will also tell you how all the pieces move. You don't know how to capture en passant? Uptight Puppy will tell you.
What's a drawn game? How do I avoid Stalemate? Why can't my King capture the other King? In due time, Uptight Puppy will share all.
Uptight Puppy is fun and Uptight Puppy wants to help you.
- Requirements
- 1. A willingness to learn
- 2. A brain with a bit of space left
- 3. Access to chess on a computer or a physical chess set