Brief Introduction
Create end-to-end DevOps pipelines using the Azure DevOps PlatformDescription
This course is designed to take step by step instructions, demonstrations and Labs to create and configure CI/CD Pipelines using the Azure DevOps platform.
The following sections are available in this course:
Introduction to DevOps (Fundamentals)
DevOps Tools Required
Setting Up Development Environment
Branching and Source Control
Automated Testing
DevSecOps Security
Microsoft Azure Cloud for Deployments and Azure DevOps Pipelines
Create an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web App and Docker Files
Configure the CI Pipeline on Azure DevOps
Configure the CD/Release Pipeline on Azure DevOps
Theory on Infrastructure as Code (E.g. Terraform, Chef, Ansible, PowerShell, Python)
- Requirements
- 1+ Year IT knowledge and experience
- You do not need to be a developer to complete this course
- Knowledge of command line tools will be beneficial
- End-to-end CI/CD Pipelines using the Azure DevOps platform
- Deploy to Azure Cloud App Service and Azure Container Registry
- Branching and Source Control using GIT and Azure Repos Git
- How to use Visual Studio Code for check-in code to Git and Azure Repos Git
- Configure the CI/Build Integration pipeline on Azure DevOps
- Configure the CD/Release pipeline on Azure DevOps
- Automated Unit testing using xUnit
- Automated Deployment using Docker Images
- How to secure your DevOps pipelines using DevSecOps
- Promote development to QA using post-deployment and post-deployment conditions
- Theory and demonstration on Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Quick Introduction to IaC tools such as Terraform, Ansible and Chef
- Quick Introduction to scripting tools such as PowerShell and Python
- Develop a Web Application using ASPNET Core 3.1
- How to use YAML files on Azure DevOps