Brief Introduction
Learn to master important exam topics before you take the test for real. Save time and exam fees.Description
Updated in 2020 for the new 200-301 CCNA - Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) exam.
We all know that the Cisco CCNA is one of the most sought after certifications in IT. It's also one of the hardest testing your knowledge and hands-on experience configuring and troubleshooting topics such as:
IPv6 addressing
Configuring VLANs
Applying IPv4 access lists
Configuring OSPF and static routes
Understanding Cloud Computing models
Securing routers and switches
Configuring DHCP, DNS and NTP
Understanding WAN technologies
Configure Wireless LANs
Understand Quality of Service (QoS)
Explain Network Automation concepts such as APIs and CRUD
In order to pass the exam you must know the theory very well but also have high level hands-on skills. The element most students forget it drilling their knowledge with a ton of practice exams. Practice exams help you learn to apply theory to questions as well as expose weak areas in your knowledge.
The CCNA exam currently costs around $300. It consists of around 50 multiple choice questions as well as several hands-on lab scenarios. The pass mark is around 85%. The pass rate is only 50% which means that half of the students taking it walk out of the exam feeling dejected and of course $300 worse off.
If you combine practice exams with reading and hands-on lab time you greatly increase your chances of passing the exam. Let me help you by testing you on all the latest CCNA exam topics. I hit you with subjects from all exam areas and for many of the questions I give you explanations and tips to increase your understanding.
There are six practice exams in total, broken into various CCNA syllabus topics. There are over 430 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing. I've been prepping students for their CCNA exams since 2002, let me help you too.
See you on the inside.
Paul Browning