CMA Management Tools-Variance Analysis & Responsibility Acc.
- 4.7
Brief Introduction
Part 1 Exam Section C- Flexible budgets, Standard Costs; Variance analysis, ROI: RI. Concepts all managers need to know.Description
Performance Management (20% of the exam questions- Levels A, B, and C type questions)
This course is a very comprehensive review of the many Performance Management Issues that are tested by the Institute of Management Accountants on their Certified Management Accounting exams. The course covers the subtopics
1. Cost and variance measures a. Comparison of actual to planned results b. Use of flexible budgets to analyze performance c. Mana
2. Responsibility centers and reporting segments a. Types of responsibility centers b. Transfer pricing models c. Reporting of organizational segments
3. Performance measures a. Product profitability analysis b. Business unit profitability analysis c. Customer profitability analysis d. Return on investment e. Residual income f. Investment base issues g. Key performance indicators (KPIs) h. Balanced scorecard
Each section contains an overview lecture. Each Learning Outcome that could be on the test is covered in detail with study notes provided and quizzes that contain past CMA exam questions on that section.
To be successful writing the CMA, you must practice, practice and practice. This course requires that of you.
Dr. John
- Requirements
- Financial Accounting
- Budget Planning
- Would help if completed - CMA Management Tools - Budget Concepts & Methodologies