Brief Introduction
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JDBC is the Base for Java Database Programming. In this Course you will get strong base about Java Advanced database concepts. The following are various concepts discussed in this course.
1. Life cycle of SQL query Execution
2. PreparedStatement
3. Differences between Statement & PreparedStatement
4. SQL Injection Attack
5. Stored Procedures
6. Callable Statement
7. Cursors
8. Functions
9. Statement vs PreparedStatement vs CallableStatement
10. Batch updates
11. execute Query vs execute Update() vs execute() vs execute Batch()
12. Insert & Retrieve Date values
13. BLOB & CLOB introduction
14. Insert & Retrieve BLOB Type
15. Insert & Retrieve CLOB Type
16. Connection with properties
17. working with properties
18. Different ways to get Connection object
19. Transaction management
20. Savepoint
21. Transaction Concurrency problems & Isolation Levels
22. Metadata
a) Database Metadata
b) ResultSetMetaData
c) ParameterMetaData
23. JDBC with non-Traditional Databases like Excel
24. ResultSet Types
a) Forward only & Scrollable
b) Scroll sensitive & Scroll insensitive
c) Read only & Updatable
25. ResultSet Holdability
26. RowSets vs ResultSets
27. Working with all RowSets
28. Miscellaneous types like RowId etc
29. Topmost Important JDBC FAQs
- Requirements
- It is desirable to have some minimum basic knowledge of Java and Basic Idea of JDBC Concepts