Brief Introduction
Your path to understanding your mind and overcoming the restrictions of anxiety and depression.Description
The Conquer Anxiety program is designed to help you better understand what makes your mind anxious and how it moves from one thought to the next. Created and developed by Warren Broad, author speaker and therapist.
You will learn how to monitor your thoughts, record them and break down the sequence in order to lower and interrupt the patterns your brain has created that lead to anxiety and panic.
An introduction to meditation, visualization, and thought vibration is included. Students are given the tools to help manage and be as aware as possible in dealing with anxiety.
You will also be given audio, visual, and PDF documents to assist in your learning process. A full guided meditation is provided to help begin to develop your meditation and visualization techniques.
The course is structured into digestible video lectures that build on each other. Great attention is paid to keeping lectures limited, in order to avoid overwhelm.
- Requirements
- Students will require and open mind and be willing to document their thoughts and emotions.