Brief Introduction
From setup to mix templates, this course will walk you through what you need to know in order to speed up your mixingDescription
Learn how to mix and master your music using a dedicated hardware/software solution with your DAW.
Mix with your ears, not your eyes
- Learn Console 1 workflow
- Build faster mixes with SSL plugins
- Find and address problems in a mix
- Learn to create custom channel strips
- Build a proven mixing template
A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips
Learning the Console 1 workflow helps speed up your workflow and very useful tool at your fingertips. The SSL 4000 has been used on most grammy-winning records in history. Learn how to use this sound on your mixes. Submit better sounding mixes to your clients.
Content and Overview
Suitable for beginning engineers, through this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of mixing on the Console 1 system. This is a dedicated "analog-desk" mixer for your DAW. It bundles the SSL 4000 E plugin which has been used on more grammy-winning records than all other SSL consoles.
Starting with the hardware overview and setup, this course will take you through setting up your first mixing template. A template you can use over and over on any mixing session, allowing you to focus on mixing with your ears, not your eyes.
With these basics mastered, the course will take you through customizing and saving channel strips for use in later projects.
Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create entire mixes using the Console 1 with SSL 4000 E software.
- Requirements
- This course is done with Pro Tools 11.3.1 and Console 1
- Applies to any supported DAW for Console 1
- Will also explain mixing fundamentals like Filters, EQ, and Compression