Create 20 sport casino games in Construct 2 / Construct 3
- 3.1
Brief Introduction
Extend your construct 2 /3 knowledge by learning how to create 20 diverse sport , racing and casino gamesDescription
You should buy this course if you would like to extend your construct 2 or construct 3 knowledge by learning how to create 20 amazing sport/casino/ racing games.
If you don't have any knowledge of construct game engine, I have a free introduction course and a paid complete course here on Udemy.
After you enroll to this course you will gain access to 20 source codes of construct 2 games.Games can be imported into construct 3 and exported to all platforms including android ios and windows desktop.
You will also gain access to videos where I explain the code and will recreate then from scratch.
The games that we are going to create include:
- Soccer, Tennis, Basketaball, Baseball, Rugby
- Ski, Atheletism: 100 m sprint, Weight Throw
- Casino games: Poker Blackjack
- Racing games(including a game like CSR)
- All sort of other sport games like doing tricks with skateboard with the football
- Requirements
- You need Construct 2 or Construct 3. Some basic knoledge on how to use those programs