Crystals for Angelic Protection and Healing
- 4.3
Brief Introduction
Connect to the Angelic Relams with the Vibration and beauty of CrystalsDescription
Course Outline
Part 1: Introduction to Angelic Realms
1 Meet the instructor
2 Angel Awakening and discussing the awe and wonder of the powerful light beings of the universe
3 Understanding how Angels Manifest in the 3rd Dimensional plane
4 Guided Angel Awakening Activation with Amethyst
Part 2: Angels Connections
1 Lightwork & Reiki
2 Chakras
3 Numbers, Signs & Symbols
4 Flowers & Essential oils
5 Crystals and Angelic energy association
Part 3: Crystals for Angelic Protection
1 Clearing and charging Crystals
2 Types of Angelic Protection
3 Energetic Prtection for individual vs a space
4 The Best Crystal to work With
5 Angelic Crystal Protection for Children
Part 4: Crystals for Angelic Healing
1. The Best Angelic Helaing Crystals to work with
2. Angel Healing Crystal for the Chakras
Part 5: Archangel Crystals
1 Crystal Frequencies of the Archangels via Chakras/Holy Days/Title
2 Crystal Paring combos of the Archangels
Part 6: Angelic Crystal Grids
1 Creating 3 Grids to Connect to Angel energies
1 Guardian angle vibrations
2 Clearing and Protecting of a space with Angelic intention
3 Archangel Gate Grid
Part 7: Conclusion
- Requirements
- Open to Energy
- Love of Light and angelic information
- Basic Understanding of Crystals & Chakras