Brief Introduction
Healing with the Light of CrystalsDescription
Healing with Crystals is really healing with the light that the crystals bring. Crystals work with both the form, which is the physical and-or subtle bodies, and the light, which does the actual healing. Quite often, crystals prepare the form to receive light. At other times, crystals displace negativity with healing light. And at still other times, crystals facilitate the involvement of the soul for the purpose of healing.
Crystals' Light 4: Crystal Healing starts by defining healing in the context of crystals. It provides detailed explanations of Moss Agate, Prehnite, Peach Stilbite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Epidote, Bloodstone, Serpentine, Smithsonite, Fuchsite, Ruby-Fuchsite, and Sugilite. Each explanation is based on the Body of Knowledge that is the foundation of how divine light works on this dimension and higher dimensions. If you want to understand crystals, first understand light. In keeping with the Principle of Specialization, which is part of my free introductory crystal course, each explanation describes the specific healing action, specific physical or subtle body or body part, and the specific way that the crystal participates, as the process of healing unfolds.
In this new age, as Earth and its inhabitants are rapidly rising in vibration, healing is not always strictly related to clearly recognizable symptoms such as joint stiffness, or stuttering. Our bodies are being exposed to many ranges of higher dimensional light frequencies intended to accelerate our spiritual paths. The healing crystals are now shifting their focus to help recondition our bodily vibrations with their healing actions to work with this incoming higher light.
Crystals' Light 4: Crystal Healing gives its students exposure to the old Earth healing stones, along with exposure to a number of crystals that are using healing techniques to usher in the light of the emerging new-age.
- Requirements
- As love is the key to moving forward, you need to know and practice love both for healing and for spiritual growth.
- You need a serious appreciation for Crystals, Divine Light, and Spiritual Healing.
- If you have a crystal collection, great! If not, crystals come as your vibration rises. My courses can help you understand which ones to buy and leave behind.
- You need to be open to an entirely different approach to how crystals work based on how divine light works.